User:Jone Barker

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Before Milton

Mocked for his name and seeing no futer for him self in his home town Jone Barker join the army at the first opportunity. determined to prove him self and hounded by the memories of child hood, Jone volunteered him self for a dangerous relief effort to the city of Milton.


Jone Barker[1] is a pvt. devoted to the reconstruction Milton. sine his arivil heallied him self with Hl bmlogo.png Black Mesa. The vetren of running away from two mall segis and one reanimation Jone has proven time and time agin that the best strategy is the one where you don't die. Then his out look changed. One cooled rainy day he found him self in a piched battle between five survivors and 12 zombies. He was about to run for the hilles when the zombies brok through. Turning he rushed at the zombies had with the help of the others forced them back. Quickly rebuilding the survivors cemented there victory. Seeing that he was wounded Jones companies begain to shoot at him. Escaping by the skin of his teeth Jone relized that he had just helped save a nest of PKers, still the feeling of being a hero and helping others stuk and so was born Jone Barker nice gay!

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Syringe crosshairs sml.jpg Fertilize the Land Policy
This user or group believes in regaining NT buildings at any cost!
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
EscapistLogo.PNG Escapist
Punctuation? Jone Braker needs no stinking punctuation!

Back Ground

After a string of bad luck trying to start a character I quit urban dead and gave up the game forever. 5 days latter I was back. After accidentally nameing my character Jone rather then Jon my luck took a turn for the better when I started only two blocks away from a green zone. Now witha a determined goal (see 'Milton') and a contacted involved in the same plan things begin to finaly look up for the for me.

2 mounths later and 20 levels later: Yes I am feeling lucky...punk