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I've been playing Urban Dead since 2005. I've seen a lot of things, and some stuff. I've also killed a metric crap-ton of Zeds.

Rangerlogouu4.jpg Malton Rangers
This User or group supports the Malton Rangers in their never ending quest to aide the fair citizens of Malton, pursue classiness to the utmost, and stop barhah in all areas it rears its ugly head
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
This user is Libertarian.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Why is capitalism superior to communism?
"Because I get to have sex on a huge pile of money while you work to feed your lazy brothers." -???
Jew-jitsu.jpg Jesus Was Jewish
This user believes that Jesus was most likely Jewish.

Why? Because both his parents were Jews.