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[Kakugori] —— [Kakugrah]

RCDC recruitment2.jpg

The RCDC is a survivor group dedicated to defending and maintaining the suburb of Rhodenbank. For more information vew:
Our wikipage
Our forums

DaliLlama.JPG Theme song
Kaku's theme song is Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria.

ZHS-Top10.png Zombie Hunting Season – Top 10

Kakugori competed in Zombie Hunting Season 2011 and was ranked in 10th place by the end of the competition. As one of the "Top 10" zombie hunters in the northeast, Kakugori managed to kill 2 zombies, assisted in killing 0 more zombies, and even had time to recapture 3 safehouses.

Trophy-Zombie-Slayer.png Zombie Hunting Season 2011

Kakugori is a hunter who competed in Zombie Hunting Season 2011. It was a glorious time filled with awesome people who did amazing things. Most of those amazing things involved filling twitching zombie corpses with blazin' hot lead shot from a variety of firearms. Good times... good times.

DAA.png Argentum Vir

Kakugori has proven themselves to be a valiant warrior, and has shown themselves to be unopposed on all levels of war, such as revives, repairs and combat. They achieved the second highest score in the contest, and were thus given the title of "Argentum Vir". All kneel before this operative!

DAawards09.PNG Dulston Alliance Awards

Kakugori entered the Dulston Alliance Awards, and came in at Second place!

DAA.png Runner Up

Kakugori was one of the top three scorers for the Saint of Healing Award! Despite being fought out at the last minute, they still have some recognition for their achievements.

DAA.png Runner Up

Kakugori was one of the top three scorers for the Champion Reviver Award! Despite being fought out at the last minute, they still have some recognition for their achievements.

Trophy-Zombie-Slayer.png Zombie Hunting Season 2010

Kakugori is a hunter who competed in Zombie Hunting Season 2010. It was a glorious time filled with awesome people who did amazing things. Most of those amazing things involved filling twitching zombie corpses with blazin' hot lead shot from a variety of firearms. Good times... good times.

ZHS-Top10.png Zombie Hunting Season – Top 10

Kakugori competed in Zombie Hunting Season 2010 and was ranked in 6th place by the end of the competition. As one of the "Top 10" zombie hunters in the northeast, Kakugori managed to kill 6 zombies, assisted in killing 11 more zombies, and even had time to recapture 6 safehouses.

Gant2.jpg Didn't we make ourselves clear?
Remember kids: Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, YOU ARE DEAD

My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Dice.jpg Random Number Generator Hater
This user or group hates the RNG gods because they can't find or damage anything.

Teapot.jpg Agnostic
Kakugori is agnostic.
Anime flag.jpg Anime Lover
This user loves anime and is a devoted otaku.
Ambiguous.png Ambiguous User
This user is or is not ambiguous.
Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
This user really, really likes cheese.
Crayons.jpg Colors
This user's favorite color is black.
Firefox.png Firefox User
This user uses Firefox.
Martini.jpg Teetotaler
This user does not drink.
Morse.jpg Morse Code
- .... .. ... / ..- -. -.. . .- -.. / ..- ... . .-. / ... .--. . .- -.- ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.-
Miracle max.jpg This user is capable of Miracles
Just don't rush them...
Sleep.jpg Pseudo Zombie
This user needs more sleep.

Newt.gif How do you know she is a witch?
This user was turned into a Newt...

Batman-Bomb.gif Batman
This user is Batman.

ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.

Damn.gif ... Wha?
This user just doesn't care.

Youlose.JPG You Get Nothing!
You lose! Good day, sir!