User:Kiki Yubari

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Kiyamana "Kiki" Yubari

Huddled in the corner of the shelter, Kiki hardly cuts an imposing figure at first glance. Short and almost childish looking, this Japanese woman seems like she should have fallen victim to the zombies long ago. But as you catch her eye she gets up with a certain military swagger and approaches. She hails you with a sloppy salute and a lopsided grin. As she moves you can see that what little meat she has on her bones is pure muscle, and she scans the room with the familiar ease of one long accustomed to combat. She is dressed in military fatigues, with a loose fitting flack jacket. Numerous red tally marks on the back of it keep a running total of her kills, and an oversized handgun sticks out conspicuously from her belt. The way she jumps and gives off a little squeak whenever the barricades creak is almost comical. The way she puts a gun to anyone's forehead if they have the misfortune of walking up behind her isn't.

When asked about her past she smiles politely and becomes quite evasive. She was part of the second wave of marines sent into the city to "pacify" all infected targets. For unknown reasons their chopper went down over Arkham and they were forced to go on foot. The surviving members of her squad made a straight hike across the city in hopes of meeting up with the rest of the team in Rhodenbank which was their intended insertion point but she was the only one to arrive at the destination intact. The military outpost there was overrun and there was no aid in sight. Alone after a long run through enemy territory, and hopelessly separated from her comrades, Kiki sat down and waited for death to come.

Her story becomes a bit muddled at this point, but what is clear is that some time latter she emerged from the fog of ghoulish instincts and found herself repeatedly cycling through the Pippard Building in South Blythville as life and undeath fought over her soul. Eventually life got the best of her and she fell in quietly with a group called The Renegades. She shows off a badge from the group with some small amount of pride and mentions her time there fondly.

When asked where she's headed, she only smiles and shakes her head. "Destiny is calling me," she says, "and any good soldier knows to obey her commanding officer."