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>You are in a nearly abandoned NecroTech building. The only other being
>here is a scientist. He's doing something at a computer in a laboratory
>>>talk to scientist
>You greet the scientist, but he doesn't respond. You tap his shoulder,
>and he jumps a little in surprise.
>"Gah! Sorry, I tend to get a little absorbed in my work," he explains.
>"That's ok. I just wanted to know who you were," you reply.
>"Oh, is that why you're here? Well, could you help build up the 'cades
>while I talk?"
>>>barricade building
>"Thanks, I need all the help I can get. I'm just a scientist, trying to
>rebuild NT buildings across Malton."
I ally myself with Delta Kilo One Three (DK13). I am fighting my way back to the KG50.