Possible redesign for the Recruitment category guidelines.
01:09, 3 April 2010 (BST)
Looking for a new group, or for recruits for your current one?
This page is open to adverts by groups currently recruiting new members.
When placing an advert, bear in mind the actual advert content is not placed on this page.
Wait, what? Yes, the actual advert should be created as a subpage of your group's wiki page - Your Group/Recruit being the usual format. Keep all of the advert content here, and use the instructions below to place the advert on this page.Have a look around this page for examples you can use for inspiration, or don't be afraid to ask other wiki users for help if you need it.
Remember, when placing an advert, that there are specific formatting guidelines to follow:
Please use the format below to place your ad on this page.
===[[Group Name]] : Group Type===
{{:Group Name/Recruit}}
time stamp (~~~~~) or timed signature (~~~~)
Points to bear in mind:
- The placement of the advert functions like a template.
- You must put the following categories on your "Group Name/Recruit" page - [[Category:Group Subpages]] and/or [[Category:Your Group Name]] (if your group has a category of its own)
- Place your advert in alphabetical order by group name.
- Large groups or organizations with significant subgroups are limited to one advert, which can be used to point to all of their constituent groups
- The advert must have a timestamp (five tildes - ~~~~~) or a signature with an attached timestamp. This can be placed either on this page or on your advert itself.
- After two months as from the advert's timestamp, the entire ad may be removed for inactivity. It is the group’s responsibility to update the timestamp to prevent the advert being deleted. Updating the timestamp should be done at any time the group is still recruiting.
- Adverts which do not use the format above or fail to adhere to the guidelines above will be removed. Groups or prominent members thereof will be contacted if this is the case.
Additional rules:
- Your adverts formatting must not break the page. Preview before you save!
- When viewed on an 800*600 resolution, as a rough guideline your advert should not exceed 800px in height, nor cause a horizontal scrollbar to appear.
- All images used in the advert must not come to a grand total of more than 56KiB (56K).
- Your advert may not contain any subheadings or templates.