The Real Monsieur Cartier
And you thought all other internets-based entity were bots.
I'm an impoverished student with far too much time on my hands, allowing me to write pointless bios and serenade the soon-to-be-consumed occupants of random safehouses with the teachings of BARHAH.
I'm also a filthy image whore. Lookit all my pictures, yes-yes.
So, who are you?
Monsieur - Level 43 Brain-Rotted Gahzazambah. Had a brief run with the Church of the Resurrection; currently Barhahing it up with the Mall Tour, eating out Pole Mall.
More kills than i care to keep track of; 6000 XP and still climbing :D
Mall Tour 2009
This User or Group was a member of the Mall Tour 2009, and came to your local mall! Thanks for having lots of fresh brains ready when they arrived with all their friends.
Cartier - Level 41 Necrotech Scientist, habitually makes a notch in his DNA Extractor for each revive he performs. Dead somewhere. 31 kills, 67 revives.
Supporter of No Tactics
I have no clue what I'm doing.
Note my tiny tiny player IDs.
David Lexden - Heading east.
Don't we all love the misguided zealots?
Mayor Bowne said "Die ZOMBIE SCUM!!!!!!!"
(5 hours and 13 minutes ago)
A zombie killed Mayor Bowne.
(5 hours and 5 minutes ago)
Hungry Frank wins my award for the best comedy player description. And he's a zombie, which is even better!
Being a predominently zombie-oriented player (Monsieur is a rotter, and Cartier gets forgotten about for days at a time and ends up being munched on) and a linguist IRL, I've taken to adding bits and bobs here and there to the kiZombie lexicon, as well as signing up but not getting anywhere with a large-scale project on large zombese texts, be they chants, recitings (from sermons by the Church of the Resurrection, for example) and whatnot. If you've go anything that's helpful, leave it on my talk page.
by the way, ! is not a vowel.