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Although I do use alts, I'm completely against the act of zerging - so you won't be seeing any of these characters anywhere near each other. With all characters, I try to uphold the Sacred Ground Policy. I don't revive randoms. I'm not currently looking to get into any groups, so please don't spam me with recruitment invites. They'll get deleted.

Anyways, remember - in UD, it's kill or be killed; nothing's personal. If our characters have a run-in, leave me a message on my discussion page. (Yes, I actually do check it from time to time!) I'd love to chat.

(a.k.a. "Urban Dead's Trifecta of Awesome")


.......[Scruff McBulletEater]

[ Level 41 - Civilian (Firefighter) | Town: Malton | Group Affiliation: Evil Avatar | Status: Alive ]

Scruff McBulletEater had never had it very well off. A child of a broken home, the kid born 'Jack Terkson' fell into the punk rock scene fairly early in his adolescent years. What started with booze, drugs and skateboarding quickly turned into breaking and entering, public vandalism and all other kinds of illegality. With his red mohawk, love for guns, and unkempt hygeine, his friends started calling him "Scruff", adding the "McBulletEater" after a random accident in which Scruff swallowed a .22 caliber bullet.

All the fun ended the night that the dead rose. Blowing off a planned B&E with his friends 'cause he was too drunk to function, he woke up to silence. He wandered around, still walking off the hangover, when he came upon one of his crew lying dead in the gutter. Thinking it was a result of the B&E gone wrong, he quickly searched for the others. What he found wasn't anything he was prepared to deal with.

He did what he had to do to stay alive. Since that fateful night, he's never been seen without an axe in his hand and a bullet in his teeth... a bullet he hopes he'll never have to use. He found his way into the mysterious "Evil Avatar" survivor group and has worked his way up the ranks, becoming the "Head of Survivor Relations".


.......[Tubbs McBigguns]

[ Level 33 - Zombie | Town: Malton | Group Affiliation: None | Status: Dead ]

Chad Johnstone was 'finally' enjoying retirement. After devoting the past 25 years to the US Military, he was released with an honorable discharge. He had an office full of various awards and medals. He was loved by his friends and family. He'd settled into Malton, and everyone in his neighborhood admired him - liked having him around. Chad was looking forward to sitting around, taking in a show or two on the weekends, generally doing a whole lot of nothing, and getting fat.

Everything was going exactly as planned. He'd seen some of the best plays and movies Malton had to offer. He'd sit on his patio until late in the night, talking to his wife or the random friends that'd stop by for White Russians and political discussion. And he did get fat. Fat enough to have man-breasts. One night, in the middle of a heated discussion, his pal Frank called him "Tubbs McBigguns" - Chad sat for a second in stunned silence - then broke into uproarious laughter. The name stuck like glue.

Tubbs didn't stand a chance, the night of the apocalypse. Having one too many drinks, he'd passed out in his rocking chair on the patio. His last conscious thoughts upon waking up had to do with the shooting pain in his head, and the wooziness he just couldn't shake. And the hunger. When he's alive, he does all he can to help the survivor effort. When he's dead, though... he craves the brains. Like any other normal member of the undead army.


.......[The New Bob Saget]

[ Level 14 - Dead Body (Comedian) | Town: Monroeville | Group Affiliation: Ratava Live | Status: Dead ]

Bob Saget was sick of it all. Sick of continuously being on the road doing stand-up. Sick of hearing "Hey, you're Danny Tanner!" and "It's the 'Funny Videos' Guy!". And, although he wouldn't admit it - he was kind of angry that the Olsen Twins grew up to be so smoking hot, and he'd never have a shot at bedding them. He randomly disappeared from the comedy scene forever. At first, the nation tried to find him. He was all over the news channels. Former coworkers and fellow comedians reached out to try and bring him back. However, the efforts didn't pay off.

Eventually, Bob was forgotten. The news stations stopped mentioning him. The TV shows he was working on found new hosts. He was pretty much presumed dead. It was then that Bob Saget realized he'd never felt more alive. Coincidentally, this is when the small town of Monroeville (where Saget had been hiding out) came under siege. He'd seen one of "them" while out on a morning jog. He picked up a nearby piece of rebar lying on the street, and unleashed all the anger he had in his body... and he liked it - LOVED it. The blood was everywhere, and he had the biggest smile on his face.

Off the deep end he went. He ran naked through town, wearing nothing but an old red tie he used to wear on the set of "Funniest Home Videos". He'd been drawn into a group of sociopaths that called themselves "Ratava Live" - it sounded like they were always talking backwards. He started killing everyone but his brethren in Ratava, continuously muttering, "Who's laughing now... WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?"

One night, someone snuck in while Bob was sleeping, and ended his time in the realm of the living. After a short life as a zombie, he succumbed to a headshot and turned into worm fodder. He proudly killed nearly 20 survivors for Ratava Live's noble cause.