User:Richard Rose/A Priest's Place in Hell

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I am very impartial to punctiation, aside from I's i dont like to capitalize, sue me...

~Intro~ Richard walked by the dusty pews, he noticed that someone had scribbled "fuck this church" in black sharpie. Richard sighed and wlked to the little room in ack of the curch, the old window letting one ray of sunlight into his brown, melancholly room. he took at qucik 30 minute nap and awoke in a different world...

~the good stuff~

Richard was awoken by the scream of a woman, then more screams in the distance. the crackling of a fire could be heard, and the screech of tires; he rose out of his chair and headed out into the hallway. "sister jacobs?" he called out, no answer. "sister jacobs??" he called out again, no answer. Richard turned the corner into the main room, and saw sister jacobs standing idly in the middle of the room, the chruch doors were flung open, and shattered glass littered the floor. the nun looked... different, somehow... not human. Richard took this into even more consideration when she turned around and showed him her face; it was torn, like someone had... bitten it? sister jacobs moaned a moan like no other, it sounded like the gutural moan of some injured boar, she walked towards him, at a lurching gait. "stay away!" he cried as she inched closer; sister jacobs attempted to scratch Richard, and then a bite at his arm. Richard reached for the only thing he could find; the thick old sermon bible in the hall. he smashed at her side with it; he definitely connected, but she showed no concern. "damn he thought. what can I do?" after several moment of consideration, Richard lept over the pew to his right, and ran out the door. he never saw sister jacobs again. during the period of the next week, the horribly grotesque sights, and the screams of pain and mourning would sculpt a cryptic, bleak sighted new being out of Richard, his jolly self never to be seen again.

~next update this sunday~