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Oh god, I am so militant dual naturist.

Too bad I couldn't bring any of that enthusiasm to my wikipage editing.


Onozuka Komachi was already taken, so I went ahead and used western order for all my accounts. I don't know why. I hate western order. This makes no sense. I make no sense. Also, I cannot format wiki page.

Well, I guess it makes some sense, since I chose the names that sounded best in western order.

All characters can be assumed to be dual natured. Since, you know, they are.

-Komachi Onozuka (Proudly defending the RRF homeland with the Barhahville Constabulary between nap breaks.)

-Dr Eirin Yagokoro (She also has a spiffy PKnights page here)

-Isaac Conte (Knowin' Nothin')

-Iga no Suzume (Ex-PKer turned full time zerg hunter.)

-Iku Nagae (Clogging the fuck out of revive points.)

-Alice Sato (Doing the UD Lunatic Mode Challenge!)

-And a bunch of dual nature PKers and rotters I play when I don't feel like running through my whole 160 hits with those up top.

I also had a Sanae, but she was in Borehamwood, so...

The man behind the UD account, or shameless self-advertisement and glorification.

Ryan Koyanagi is a former comparative writing major from the University of California, Riverside. Not because he couldn't get into UCI, just because it was the only UC with a creative writing major, which didn't matter because it was a shitty bureaucracy-laden major and he ended up switching anyway. He's currently on leave to get a novel finished. He has been thrice Daily Deviated on DeviantArt and has been published in a number of magazines.  He's currently working on a quick novella project.  It'd probably help if he actually finished writing those words in the first place instead of stopping halfway through and wandering off to do other, more instantly gratifying things.

His doodlepad of words can be accessed on deviantArt, and he may or may not post some of his works here.  If he does, expect him to forget to go back and remove the "may or may not" part from this blurb.