User:RosutoEnzeru/Alex Molsov

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Alex Molsov
Joined: 2005-11-18
Character class: Military
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Imperium
Character stats: Brother-Captain of the Imperial Fists
Journal: No journal for Alex Molsov

Brother-Captain Alex Molsov heads the Company of the Imperial Fists currently active in the Hive of Malton, and represents the interests of the Adeptus Astartes on the Malton Imperial Council, as warp storms have cut off communications with Terra. Currently, he commands a small force consisting of recovered Imperial Fist battle brothers and associated detachments of both the Ultramarines and the Dark Angels. The numbers of the Adeptus Astartes in the hive grow slowly, but each marine is a powerful addition to the forces of The Imperium.

Brother-Captain Molsov is also the proud bearer of the Sands of Saint Johanas, a vial of dirt, grit, and gravel collected from the grounds of the Saint Johanas Cathedral in Vinetown. It was on this most holy site that the Martyr of Persistance, Shamos, received a vision of His Most Holy Emperor on Terra and truly began on his righteous path. The vial currently hangs amongst the numerous arms carried by Brother-Captain Molsov of the Imperial Fists Third Company, and some of the grit within has even been removed from the vial and imbedded deep within the Brother-Captain's body through ritual scarification and self-mutilation.