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Who is Sirkus?

An artist's rendering of what Sirkus might look like if he ever remembered to show up for his photograph...

Sirkus is a kilt-wearing librarian extraordinaire. After serving at Caiger, Nichols, and other survivor bastions of note, he has taken up with fellow literates at the Quartly Library, where he defends the top two shelves of the third aisle of the Mystery section.

He is infamously absent-minded, having once gone clear across Stanbury Village looking for a fuel can, only to forget what generator he had been planning on fueling. However, no matter how absent-minded he is, he has never forgotten to return a library book

Sirkus has been seen hanging this poster on the outer walls of the Quartly Library.


Librarianbadge.jpg Literate
This user is a proud member of the Quartly Study Group

Quartlylibrary.JPG Education in Security
This user supports the The Quartly (66,52) as a no-kill-zone.


Skullz n books.jpg World Traveller 2007
This user walked upon the road less travelled with the QSG, and, despite four different attacks by assassins, survived six months of Malton in barricade free environments.


Sirkus is as handsome as he is graceful.

It has been said by some that Sirkus is an alt of the PKer Vandr. Others, however, cannot see how the mild-mannered librarian and the clinically insane pagan serial killer could possibly be run by the same player.