User:Slightly Lions/Sandbox

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Ideas & Crap

Stuff I'm playing around with, things possibly for suggestion. Please don't gank my suggestions ideas, should the impossible happen and you actually think it's a halfway decent idea. I you really must thieve it, at least give me some credit as the originator.

XP as Currency

Timestamp: Slightly Lions 13:23, 11 October 2007 (BST)
Type: Enhancement
Scope: Everyone with unused XP
Description: Since there are quite a few high-level players out there with truckloads of experience sitting unused, I suggest a system by which you can purchase expendables including limited amounts of ammo or hitpoints.
Add to Cart
This is something available to all players, of all levels. If you've got the xp to spare, you can buy to your heart's content. I'll do my best to explain how I envision this will work on a fundamental level, the guts, if you please.
  • No level sacrificing/loss - You must have sufficient xp available above that for your current level in order to make a purchase. I.E., a level 10 "pure" zombie (vig-mort corpse with only zombie levels) would need 1000 + x, where x = cost of purchasable.
  • Max Stats - Purchased stats, or hitpoints and action points (unsure if I want to make the latter available) can never exceed your allowable total. If a player with bodybuilding, but injured for just, say, 4 points of damage wants to buy hp with spare xp, the maximum he can get will be 4 points.
  • 1 Item Limit - Simply due to the power this can grant, I'd prefer right now a limit of only one purchase per player every 120 minutes, and no more than 2 cumulative stats in a purchase. This, combined with the high prices, should prevent mass purchases and so-called "rushing", or excessive server load.
Estimate price
I know this part is what those who haven't already stopped reading are probably most interested in? What outlandish prices is he going to set? Well, they're gonna be high. Very high. What, were you expecting a free lunch? Let's call the base price a constant, k, and let's set it at 1000 XP. The below entries will list amounts to be multiplied against k to get the total cost.
  • Hitpoints - There should probably be different values for this. Humans will get a little more mileage out of HP, namely in staying alive, so a bit more expensive for them. Also, note
  • Humans: 1.4
  • Zombies: 1.2
  • Action Points - Not really sure about this, but if included I think a fair cost would be around 3.0
  • Expendable Inventory Items - Obviously, only the living will find these useful.
  • Pistol Clip 1.5 - A little pricier than the shell. At 6x shots at 5 damage each, and 1 AP to reload, the pistol has the best AP/damage, so a higher price.
  • Shotgun Shell 1.3 - While 10 damage can be a lot, the shotgun is a 2 shot weapon, then 2 AP to reload.
  • Flare Gun 0.8 - High damage is offset by lower accuracy and limited use.
  • First Aid Kit 1.7 - Pricier than ammo, because of infection-curing. The healing power, though significant when combined with First Aid and Surgery, still only buck the price a small amount.
  • Revivification Syringe 3.5 - Not sure, but this one will be tough to get, if available at all.
  • Fuel Can 0.9 - While refueling gennies does mean you get your search rates back, it can also be a giant "BREAK THE CADES AND FEAST" sign.
  • Spray Can 0.15 - "EL BARTO WAS HERE"
  • Beer/Wine 0.3 - "I'm a happy drunk, not an angry drunk. Promise."
About our store
Also known as "Why on God's green Earth did you _______?!", or "You'll unbalance the game if you let them trade xp for _______!" I'll try to provide some overall justification for the suggestion by explaining the different purchase options here...
  • HP - Available to both. This has slightly more value to survivors as they need them to stay alive, whereas zombies just bullet-sponge and stand up again when they've built up enough AP.
  • AP - This one is kind of a gray area. Not a must for keeping in the suggestion, but would prefer to leave it in for varieties' sake, at a significantly higher cost of course. Everyone needs AP, just as high all around.
  • Expendables - Easy to explain. If you've worked hard as a survivor and have a lot of accrued xp, your best benefit is going to be from items; they're sort of like stored AP, in that you use AP to get stuff, but they enable you to do more in bursts than . Therefore, these will need to have a higher cost than hp, which has slightly lower value to survivors.
  • Pistol Clip - Most efficient damage/AP in the game. Most expensive ammo.
  • Shotgun Shell - Though it's the highest damage/AP ammo, it also uses the most AP to reload and the weapon is only 2 shots versus a pistols' 6.
  • First Aid Kit - Cures infection. Higher price. 'Nuff said.
  • Revivification Syringe - Yes, the ever-taboo syringe should be available, for a steep price. I'm willing to negotiate on this one, due to the controversy, game balancing, etc, but would prefer not to lose this.
  • Fuel Can - Why not? Refueling gennies has inherent drawbacks along with the benefits, so don't want this to be too expensive. Will take search rates into consideration.
  • Spray Can - Whoopty doo. The main impact is on non-metagamers, and I don't want to cripple their game, but it's not like there aren't already professional graffiti artists in Malton. You could almost start a union.
  • Beer/Wine - Should be relatively cheap, but without making it like free heals. Also, they're only 1hp/1ap, so not exactly the best of tradeoffs anyway.
Choose your shipping
Here are some ideas and thoughts to address concerns about "realism", how items would magically materialize in players' inventories and stat points would be restored to them. In other words, flavor.
  • Hitpoints - This would be the toughest of all to integrate. Something like, "The memories of more vicious struggles past flash to your mind, and suddenly your wounds don't seem all that bad." I'm open to suggestions for this.
  • Action points - "You feel less tired than you'd expect, after all you've been doing." Just about anything that says "OH HAY SECOND WIND." Whatever.
  • Items - "Your experienced eye notices x lying in the corner/amongst the rubble/dead bodies/etc." Again, similar ideas appreciated.

Discussion (XP as Currency)


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