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MEMS logo.gif Malton Emergency Medical Service
Snip3rElit3 is a member of the MEMS.
militarymedic.jpg Military Medic
{{{User}}} is a Military Medic

Joined: 2009-03-15 06:31:01
Character class: Military
Favorite equipment: Flare gun, Spraycan
Character profile: 1489704
Current status: Alive

This is my main character who is in the DEM under MEMS. He is my 'medic/support' type character



Before the outbreak

Before the outbreak "Snip3rElit3" was in the Malton Army reserves as a Combat Medic. His daytime job was a surgeon in St Luke's Hospital in Old Arkham. Just before the outbreak he was called out from Malton on a Humanitarian Aid misson.

After the outbreak

After the outbreak he was sent back to the city to help out unit 4077 stationed in Reganbank. In an sequence of unfortunate events nearly all of the unit was killed with others commited suicide, as far as he knows he is just 1 of 2 men that survived from unit 4077.


Wearing: a blood-smeared pair of safety goggles, a crucifix necklace, a bloodstained grey short-sleeved shirt, a NecroTech jacket, a bloodstained white lab coat, a blood-flecked pair of blue jeans and a bloodstained pair of black boots


Current Skills

Free Running
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Axe Proficiency
NecroTech Employment
Lab Experience
Body Building