Superathen is a member of CORAM who once used the EBS often, but is now in Owsleybank to help with the current Escape plan. He does so for one main reason, he feels he is obligated to see this through. People may ask why, it's not like he was here the first day, not even the first year. No his reason is simple, he accidentally started all of this.
How It All Started
It all started one day in The Coram Building. I was sitting around and decided to make a broadcast to the world, something funny (most EBS broadcasts are like this). I decided to play a prank. The idea was that I would make an official-sounding broadcast about leaving Malton, including date, time, and place, then on that date I would check the site to see how many people went. It wasn't long before I heard about Escape, and that CORAM was pretty much in charge of spreading the word. My only hope now is that it won't just be a prank, I hope that a serious game change will occur. I hope we can win.