User:TargetReport/Judgewood-Gatcombeton-Chudleyton-Darvall Heights

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Judgewood Gatcombeton

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
15 wasteland wasteland Bargery Square The Critchell Building MacDonald Way Club Pears Conybear Road The Pounsett Building Elin Way Pulsford Road 15
16 St. Josephine's Church Veresmith Boulevard School The Ludlow Building The Gibbens Building Hiscock Walk Egleton Walk Bignal Lane Dover Way a junkyard St. Maxilillian's Church 16
17 The Hamlen Monument McDonnell Library Edmund General Hospital Herne Plaza Walmsley Lane Crawshaw Road Alder Cinema a warehouse Marriott Place School Mahagan Square Railway Station 17
18 wasteland Parrott Alley Park Way The Cuss Arms Fennessy Road Railway Station Barstow Walk Douglas Lane Edgar Alley Plummer Bank The Simons Building 18
19 St. Basil's Church a warehouse The Westover Monument Bennett Way Tripick Lane The Whish Building Sayce Park Chudleigh Library The Allford Arms wasteland 19
20 a factory Lockwood Crescent School Rawlins Row Goudie Drive Kington Row Halse Crescent Police Department The Brodribb Building Burdock Walk Howel Bank a factory 20
21 Regan Plaza Nettley Drive Strachan Lane Fowler Crescent Railway Station Golden Row Altham Row Yorke Grove Postlethwaite Crescent Fire Station The Cranfield Museum Dandison Auto Repair 21
22 Bulmer Avenue Dight Walk a carpark Zuryk Lane Somerville Boulevard Bussell Way Wenmouth Park Lilly Square Piers Park The Rugvie Monument 22
23 Kenefie Lane Police Department Cuthbert General Hospital a junkyard Shutler Lane The Bowell Museum a junkyard The Farris Building Butt Road Railway Station Caplen Way The Hallett Building 23
24 Carpenter Grove Tennant Auto Repair Stringer Street wasteland Custard Lane School wasteland The Papps Building Hallinan Towers a junkyard Clissold Road 24
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Chudleyton Darvall Heights

Repaired Ruined Lit Repaired No update in last 24h Lit Status unknown Status Unknown
Acourt Library EHB Acourt Library VHB Acourt Library HB Acourt Library VSB
Acourt Library QSB Acourt Library Lightly 'caded Acourt Library Loosely 'caded Acourt Library Doors