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~ Paynterton ~
~ Starlingtown ~

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
35 Saunders Walk Reakes Towers The Bissex Monument The Smither Building Germain Park Kershaw Row Hyman Street Dunford Lane Fire Station Marchetti Towers Warnel Library 35
36 Shadwick Walk Police Department Garret Park Sidney Row The Denning Museum Hollbrook Square Jennings Avenue Club Freestone Farrent Street Thicke Row Kelly Lane 36
37 The Thurtle Building The Bath Building Gamlen Row Gargery Lane Charteris Avenue The Pender Building a junkyard Longmate Plaza Aris Towers Robins Crescent 37
38 wasteland St. Abraham's Church The Packe Building St. Lazarus's Church The Heginbothom Arms wasteland The Genge Museum The Maxwell Museum wasteland Theirs Crescent 38
39 Krinks Boulevard Garwood Way The Gracewood Building a cemetery a junkyard Faulkner Avenue School Tilly Plaza a carpark a junkyard Darnell Plaza Railway Station 39
40 wasteland Crump Cinema Partridge Row The Casely Building Watkins Square Caddy Lane The Stephens Building Fudge Square Quekett Park Bulleid Square 40
41 Club Humphries wasteland Atkinson Street Devonshire Square Christopher Way Mountford Way Wortley Place Courtney Square The Gristwood Arms The Chadburn Museum 41
42 Club Passmore Goodday Park Yearworth Alley wasteland The Waldron Monument wasteland a junkyard Dryall Drive wasteland Haselshaw Square 42
43 a warehouse Batten Drive St. Joachim's Church a cemetery The Ponting Building The Nix Arms The Lorgh Building Shervey Crescent wasteland Janes Alley 43
44 Stibbs Row The Peryer Monument Imber Square The Veryard Building Sheat Boulevard Hacker Way a carpark a warehouse The Finchley Museum a factory 44
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Repaired Ruined Lit Repaired No update in last 24h Lit Status unknown Status Unknown
Acourt Library EHB Acourt Library VHB Acourt Library HB Acourt Library VSB
Acourt Library QSB Acourt Library Lightly 'caded Acourt Library Loosely 'caded Acourt Library Doors