User:Team Meat/Detective A Clarke

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Detective A Clarke The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.

The Great Tapestry of Detective A Clarke's life in chronicle form. The story begins with a five parter on the day of the zombie outbreak and follows Clarke through his adventure in Malton. [[1]]

New Chapter In the Detective's Life

Detective Clarke has since joined the GConfed group (February 2009). There are currently two members of GConfed and we are looking to recruit more. Since the death of all members of Team Meat, the detective has moved on and joined a fledgeling group as the first recruit. GConfed

"Well f**k my sweet a*s, some son of a b***h has eaten the last doughnut!" (Detective A Clarke, August 4th 2007)

The moment that finally pushed our hero over the edge. The last doughnut had been eaten. Malton was in a bad way, Clarke knew that, but no more doughnuts? How could this be? He'd already seen alot of bad s**t, especially that day.. a stray zombie ate his cat, this had left him a little nauseaus, a young girl had been run down, got back up and eaten the driver, this too left him nauseaus, he'd received an enlarge your penis email, which had bamboozled him as he was more than adequately equipped... but the last doughnut.. this was an Earth shattering moment.

So, armed with only a pistol and an i-pod featuring some of the greatest bands to grace the late 1990's and early 2000's he set out in search of a break-time snack. "Too dumb to run, too dead to die." (Marilyn Manson 2000, extract from Coma Black, Holywood)

Physical Appearance and Psychological Appraisal of Detective A Clarke

Cake.jpg Happy Birthday
This user was born on 28th October 1987

Ethnicity - English/White

Eyes - Blue

Hair - Brown/Long

Body Type - Slim

Height - 5ft9/ 173cm

Distinguishable Marks - Birth Mark on Left Thigh

Medical Notes - Asthmatic, Long Sighted

Clarke is at best a neurotic introvert who has trouble socialising outside his social boundaries. Rarely aggresive Clarke however lacks compassion and has no qualms back bitting. Clarke displays high levels of creativity although he projects a certain degree of right wing or traditionalist views.

Clarke currently has, in order of acquisition-

.Basic Firearms Training

.Pistol Training

.Free Running

.NecroTech Employment

.Lab Experience

.Shotgun Training

.Advanced Pistol Training



.Body Building

.Head Shot

.First Aid

.Advanced Shotgun Training

.Hand to Hand Combat

.Axe Proficiency

.Necronet Access


.Bargain Hunting



.Radio Operation

.Knife Combat

.Vigour Mortis

.Neck Lurch

.Death Grip

.Tangling Grasp

.Memories of Life

.Lurching Gait

.Ankle Grab

.Rend Flesh

.Death Rattle


.Flailing Gesture


.Infectious Bite

.Scent Fear

.Scent Blood

Affiliations/ Friends and Co-Rockers

Detective Clarke is a founder and member of Team Meat; their goal is to survive and do it all to a kick a*s rock 'n' roll soundtrack.

Currently Clarke has one friend, partner and co founder of Team Meat Detective J MacLane.

More recently, his younger brother, also a cop joined the ranks of Team Meat, Detective W Chuckles.

A further affiliate must now be added, the detective's great friend of roughly fifteen years - Elvis is Alive

More family members have joined the ranks of Team Meat, digidrago the young brother of Detective J MacLane. He like the other members is also a cop.

Nitalo - of the GConfed.

Not so much an affiliation more a side project away from Team Meat. Like Corey Taylor's Stonesour or Matt Skiba's Heavens, ZedBucks is an offshoot of Detective A Clarke and something which he will always be involved in, just not as involved as his beloved Team.

Residences -

Galbraith Hills 04/08/2007

Havercroft 04/08/2007 - 07/08/2007

Molebank 07/08/2007 - 23/08/2007

Reganbank 23/08/2007 - 25/08/2007

Grigg Heights 25/08/2007 - 26/08/2007

Wykewood 26/08/2007 - 28/08/2007

Buttonville 28/08/2007 - 11/09/2007

Molebank 12/09/2007 - ??/??/2008

Kinch Heights  ??/??/2008 - PRESENT DAY


Currently feautres UBCS Carlos Oliveira for down right a**hole-ism for trashing a radio transmitter in Burrell Way Police Station. Yes there was some spamming going on, but for one mercenary to take the law into his own hands is out of order.. "I'll be having words with his superiors" Detective A Clarke (8th August 2007)

Whoever overbarricaded Burrell way. Thanks guys, that was a ridiculous thing to do considering Burrell is supposed to remain at very stong. Without sounding like a martyr I'm gonna have to hang around for days waiting to be revived due to the zombie hoardes currently swamping Molebank. "Mrh?" Detective A Clarke (20th August 2007)

Kale Luan, for being a psycho son of a bitch. Once a zombie, revived to bring chaos to the Ranson Boulevard police station. Threatened to kill everyone, but we, the guys of Team Meat gave him a smack in the mouth and sent him packing. "Ever heard of a combat revive motherf***er? Oh..." Detective A Clarke (5th September 2007)

Kinkyshe, this hoebag is in for an asskicking when I next see her having PKed myself and digidrago. "Pain? You haven't felt anything like this before." Detective A Clarke (16th November 2007)

The ZOMBIE Death Chalk Board Finally notched one up outisde Buckley Mall. Spent one and a half pistol clips on the bugger, but damn it felt good. Undead creature 0 Detective A Clarke 1

There was a lone zombie waiting outside Ranson, whom myself and MacLane took care of, it was already injured but I managed to finish it off.

Once again MacLane and myself doubled up on a lone zed. With our combined fire power we kicked it's ass. Fortunately for me I got the killing blow.

Kaboom Kaboom, since September I've lost track of how many undeadites I've killed, thus maxing out my EXP... I suppose it's only fair I estimate at roughly 30...

The detective has found himself trapped in the Malton apocalypse for 18 months and has lost count, even if over recent weeks he hasn't been doing much killing of zombies.

Current score Unknown number of zombies... far too many

The Sober Musings of Detective A Clarke

"A thought occurred to me today, Molebank is my home now and if there should be an approaching zombie hoarde then I'm going to stay and fight for it, even if it means dying for it." (August 9th 2007)

"That thought was ridiculous, I am a low grade survivor.. the best thing I can do is stand back and wait, offering my assistance where needed after the other surivivors have been devoured by the rotten hate machine that is the zombie hoardes." (August 24th 2007"

"I am growing weary of moving form suburb to suburb, it's not so much the travel, or the lack of action... I just miss my friends and family. MacLane, Thomas.. my thoughts are with you during your undead hardship." (August 25th 2007)

"Whoops... I boobed, I shot some poor b*****d waiting at a revive point... roughly seven times. I'd already checked the map for RP's but forgot that wasteland was being used in this part of town... s**t I nearly killed the guy and now all I can think is "how would you like to be battered close to death whilst in rehab?"" (August 29th 2007)

"Ha... 26 days into this living dead hell and I finally shot down a zombie outside Buckley Mall. Now I feel like a real man, especially after last nights drama." (August 30th 2007)

"We're goin' home bitches, watch out Molebank, here we come!" (September 10th 2007)