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The character you see above is all that remains of my old userpage. I had intended to remove all content as you can see here; however, that one little guy somehow got missed. Now, rather then just do another edit to delete it, I have decided to preserve him, worship him, and, I will name him Pointy. For all I know, Pointy might be some super-power character that had been created by mistake, and, is immune to deletion. I'd rather not make him mad.


Pointy is a big God

The Pointy you see above is seen from afar. The reality is, Pointy is roughly 1000 feet tall!

When you look at the great Pointy close up, you will see that he is really made up of several fragments that all work together or the common goal of pointing in a specific direction.


Praise the units that make up the great Pointy!

Pointy can smite the non-believers


Confucius is dead now. Coincidence? I think not.

Show your love for Pointy

Use this to show that you love Pointy. Perhaps you will be able to escape his wrath.
