User:Token black man
Birth of Token Black Man
When I was first deciding to make a character, I looked around the wiki in order to get some sort of inspiration. I noticed that there were few black characters in Malton, let alone serious ones. Token Black Man was created as a tongue-in-cheek reference to that fact, and quickly drew some attention in Yagoton where he started out.
Stylistically, I view him to look like this: [1]
Early Life
I quickly became bored with the initial premise of the game, as there was no real challenge in fighting zombies in Yagoton when there were not about in hordes. I did find some passing amusement when a copycat character popped up in Yagoton, by the name of Token Black Guy.
Eventually, Token Black Man drifted around Yagoton until he stumbled across Ahote killing someone by "eating them". Amused, I inquired to the status of the group, known as Cannibal Corps. After learning about the group I had Token Black Man join up almost immediately, and altered his profile to suit the change.