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survivor blogg

15/9/06 i've been wandering around this city for 10 days now and i am just begining to realise what is happening, the first few days were a lonely nightmare, the zeds were relatively few but impossible to hurt. i ran most of the time. finally i met someone who told me where to seach for items and i began to feel more confident. i'd heard about the large survivor community at caiger mall and so have made my way over here. unfortunatly i am unable to get through the barracades just yet so i am hiding a the adjacent warehouse with about 10 other poor souls. Getting into buildings especially in Chudleyton has been a huge problem, i once had to sleep in the streets! This morning i helped a guy called Rome2 with some first aid and i have now found a fire axe, crowbar and some fuel. my plan is to find a hospital pick up some first aid kits, set up a healing station and try and build some xp. then i'll try to join a group or form my own --Tommaguzzi 15:59, 15 September 2006 (BST)

nnghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aghhhh uddfttttttttyr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry about that i've been undead for a while, i got caught out and had to sleep outside again (all the buildings in chudlyton are too heavily barracaded for a wimp like me to enter)i got away with it once but not this time. when i awoke i was dead so to speak. nonlife for a low level zombie is no fun at all, i kept getting whacked (head shot once) all the way to the revive point at st izzy's, luckily i didn't have to wait any time at all, though i've since heard horror stories of reluctant zeds waiting weeks for a revive. but now i'm stuck in a wearhouse outside caiger mall waiting for my ap to build up then i'll try to find a hospital i can get into.--Tommaguzzi 18:29, 18 September 2006 (BST)

i've been busy these last few days, i finally moved out to west becktown and have settled in st lazars hospital. there are many survivors here and i have graphiti'd the wall with an advertisment offering first aid services. no one has asked so i think the higher level people with diagnosis skills are picking up all the easy xp by giving first aid. this means i have to venture outside, the last few days i helped a couple of guys and whacked a zombie once with my axe. earlier today i first aided someone who probably didn't want help , he was wearing a t.shirt that said he wanted to be a zombie, he was down to 14 h.p. well i needed the xp and he could have been joking so what the hell. it's not like it makes me a PKer.--Tommaguzzi 23:41, 21 September 2006 (BST)

i gained enough xp to buy free running this morning, now it should be easier to get around, i'll be working towards diagnostics next and then probably some combat skills. you really have to be patient around here to make any progress. last night before i turned in i noticed someone (Muranborg or something) in st lazars who had lots of zed skills and no human ones at all. i suspected him to be a zed spy and said so to everynoe around then left and used my new skill to stay next door where it was safer--Tommaguzzi 12:00, 22 September 2006 (BST)

not a very eventful day. i thought now i can freerun that everything would be easier and while i am undoubtedly safer i am still dependant on finding injured survivors to progress. the streets today are empty, not even any zeds around take a swipe at. while i can now get into most buildings everyone seems very healthy. i had wasted most of my ap as i traveled east from building to building almost to the border of dunell hills with no luck at all. then running low i headed south east to the nearest hostital (st wurboroughs) to restock and rest. i am currently in the flower building which is extremly well protected. once inside i discoved it is a necro tec facility thus explaining the barracades. tomorrow i will cross the southern border and scout around molebank, the hospital and this safe house are well situated and i shall just hope for better luck.--Tommaguzzi 20:28, 23 September 2006 (BST)

sugar me ............. i wait all day, get the ap up to 50 move out, wander around Molebank(does anyone live or even notlive there? even the undead are no where to be seen) then struggle back to home and the only xp i can gain is whacking a lone zed and healing it again. (not a good idea i have since learned) i read the wiki and there's sieges and wars, pker's, and bounty hunters going on am i missing something here?--Tommaguzzi 00:17, 25 September 2006

only two days later what a change. i spent the day healing a lone survivor trapped outside, then later as i was resting in the hospital the flower nanotec building next door was attacked by zeds, i went over to help but it was all over when i arrived, anyway to be on the safe side i have moved a few blocks west into the bawn museum which i had to enter via the ajoining library, there is no one here at the moment but it is extremly well barracaded so i should be ok while i rest, having said that before i moved i checked the barracade plan in the wikki and many of the buildings did not conform. is this a sign of increased zombie activity in this area i wonder?--Tommaguzzi 22:53, 27 September 2006 (BST)

it should have been a blank day today. i moved back to the hospital and the surounding buildings wasting ap trying to give first aid to healthy people and then was unable to locate replacment Faks even after a dozen searches. as i rested the zeds broke in to the flower building again , someone here thinks they have inside help. i went over again but they were gone exept for the named suspect. i didn't want to whack him and have him wake as a zombie inside a nano tec building but i didn't have any Faks to heal him with so i left. a few days ago i applied to join the D.E.M specificly the MALTON FIRE DEPARMENT today they accepted me and i was led by the brainstock forum to "the academy" there is too much to read at this time i'm tired and will trawl through it tomorrow when i have rested--Tommaguzzi 00:15, 29 September 2006 (BST)

i am still in st werburgh's hospital west becktown.i can tell you it's starting to get hot around here the zeds keep breaking in nano tec next door, baracades there are down to vs. a zed spy smashed the generator in the hospital today and some girl called "doctor halsay" seems to recognise me but i have never met her before, she does not appear to be part of the mfd. i went outside and whacked one of the zeds down to 38hp but had had to run when one of it's mates turned up and started gesturing at me, once inside i shouted to anyone listening to go out and finish 'em off. i have 9ap left which i am saving in case the zeds get in here, i dare not leave and risk getting stuck outside but i still have 4 FAKS so i should be ok while tommorow. i repeated all this to the academy when i reported in for training, maybe the can get us some help over here.--Tommaguzzi 22:56, 29 September 2006 (BST)

since the last entry i have reported in to the mfd training acadamy and have been instructed to make my way over to the suburb of easternwood it was getting dangerous in st werbs so i started heading over there. the MFD have kindly allowed me access to their own custom maps which show current barracade state of buildings and numbers of zombies around, it is only as accurate as the last reports but it is a whole lot better than the wiki. i spent a night in caiger mall but have since been busy around the 3 hospitals in darville which have been under attack since i arrived. there were 8 zeds inside today so i didn't feel i could just leave the other survivors to it and not help. the bonus is that i am gaining xp healing the injured without having to go outside and find them, at this rate i will soon have the diagnosis skill then it should be easier to develop a little quicker and when i do finally turn up at the mfd acadamy i should be of more use to them.--Tommaguzzi 22:58, 3 October 2006 (BST)

good news! today i found a survivor without free running in courtney lane fire station. he is getting mugged by every passing zombie so i healed him. (i left a message telling him the MFD had saved him as i have been instructed to do where possible)and ran to safety. as soon as i was able i went out again to check if he had moved but there he was so i repeated the first aid. later as soon as i had recovered from the exertions out i went, he is still there with 2 zeds on him so healed him and ran. i am now out of a.p and Faks but now i have the diagnosis skill. time to meet fireman bill and my new best friends at the MFD acadamy i think. just as soon as i have restocked my Fak supply.--Tommaguzzi 23:34, 4 October 2006 (BST)

today is the end of my first month of being trapped in malton. since i arrived i have after an initial slow start progressed to a level where i feel confident that i can make a contribution against the zombie hoards. i was hoping to move into easternwood today but my searches for Faks have not been very sucessful so i shall just hang around here untill i am fully loaded, everyone seems healthy although i think the zeds finaly got their man last night since when i checked on him this morning he was gone and the number of zeds had risen from 2 to 3.--Tommaguzzi 13:53, 5 October 2006 (BST)

while i've been resting i have heard rumours of a huge siege going on down in riddleybank. the story goes that there are almost 300 zombies attacking a building and the remaining survivors are screaming for help. that sounds like a job i'd like to be involved in so the acadamy training will just have to wait. it's a fair journey but i can make it in half a day and still have some energy left so here i go.========================

i've made it! it just like they said it would be, there are 317 zeds and nearly 200 dead bodies outside the bank building! within seconds of arriving the flesh eaters were onto me i only just managed to get inside. one of them managed to hit me once but i didn't suffer too much damage, certainly not enough to waste a Fak on myself so i did a bit of first aid on the injured survivors around me and moved to an adjacent building. i managed to help someone there and i've now relocated to the boniface library situated between 2 hospitals so when i've recovered i'll be able to restock. with all these zeds around i think i'll wait and upgrade my skill for the more expensive necrotec options.--Tommaguzzi 22:25, 6 October 2006 (BST)

well all that first aid paid off i quickly ran up enough xp to gain necro tec employment but after spending half a day to collect only 6 Faks i've decided to go for shopping. now i'll be able to loot the drug stores in the malls more easily and there are all those poor survivors milling around in them too. i just need to locate the nearest one but it appears that i'll have to make my way back to caiger, which is quite near the acadamy so thats a bonus. i am currently resting in a junkyard in barrville.--Tommaguzzi 23:42, 10 October 2006 (BST)

ok i'm back in caiger mall when i've recovered from the journey i'm going to stock up on Faks and maybe try to find some binoculars then i'll get out there and help some of the poor souls i've seen on my way over here and finally report to the acadamy!--Tommaguzzi 17:22, 11 October 2006 (BST)

for the last couple of days i've been hanging around the mall healing the odd survivor. i've gained enough x.p to get both shopping AND bargain hunting! now it is fairly easy to find Faks in the drug stores here. last night Ron Burgundy the famous leader of the chanel 4 news team was here asking for help down at riddley bank, i feel that i ought to go to but i also know that i should be reporting to the acadamy soon. i think that i'll go over to eastonwood soon, mention what is happening down there (as if they won't know already!) when i report in then see if the want me to go down there--Tommaguzzi 09:15, 13 October 2006 (BST)

i've spent the last few days in eastonwood giving first aid and tagging zeds. the xp is steadily growing. i finaly reported in to the MFD acadamy yesterday but am still waiting for an acknowledgment maybe i left it so long they forgot about me. i hope not because i really don't want to lose the DEM scanner it is so useful i whould be lost without it now. i will carry on trying to help any survivors that need it and tag as many zeds as i can. soon i will have enough experience to start working the necro tec equipment and then i'll be able to revive them too. i have become aware of a PKer by the name of SpankyMalone operating around caiger mall he is an incredible nuscence, wrecking the generators and killing survivors all the time. i reported him on one of the many billboards but if i ever meet him and i have combat skills then he will be a zed before he knows what hit him--Tommaguzzi 16:58, 18 October 2006 (BST)

the zeds have moved into eastonwood/brookhills i have reported this the only way i know how on a public billboard in the DEM forum. this has attracted the attention of the acadamy and they contacted me to say thanks and that i should report into them now and they will teach me how to do it propily in future. the necro tec tagging device is a wonder for building xp i can average about 20 a day i don't see how it helps the defence but what do i know. the zeds have overrun st wulfstans hospital and are in the police buildings and school, i will report the situation again later when i have toured the area. i reported the situation again as i promised to do(it's got worse) on the public board after another short tour of the area then i barracaded myself and a couple of others in what thought was a safe house. i.e not a resource building. I then checked my emails and found that i have recieved a bollocking from Ashante the MFD training boss. Aparently i should have read my orders to relocate to east becktown to prepare a proper defence. Only a couple of hours later the zombies broke into my safe house fortunatly i had enough energy left to do a runner and am now in an extermly well barracded hotel with some others almost on the border of E.B. so i'll check in in the morning. --Tommaguzzi 09:29, 20 October 2006 (BST)

it's been 11 days since that last entry and much has happened. the attack mentioned was by a zombie group called "shacknews" they were indeed continuing their attack over from riddleybank onto caiger. i joined up with the acadamy and have helped in and around caiger as we retreated into west becktown where we are now operating just to the south west of caiger mall. just lately the zeds appear to have dispersed and were unsucessfull in their attempt on the mall, because of all this activity i have gained all the basic MEM's skill set meaning i can revive zeds and have access to the necronet (i haven't used that yet) and find it is quite easy to gain xp now. i have learned that in is not possible to kill a zombie!!!!!!? well they are dead alredy arn't they, we can only knock them down but they stand up again soon afterwards. so we survive by barracading and falling back as nessessary. we can never win by force and only use it to clear breached buildings. these entrys will probably become more sparodic now since i am settling into a routine, commute to caiger, load up, heal and revive on the way to a safe house. this has been the way for the last week, however today there has been a development, fog. no one can see outside. so today i'll wait and see what happens.--Tommaguzzi 19:02, 31 October 2006 (UTC)