User:Two Eyed Yum
For all eng-speaking: A 22 year old guy from Belarus. Not much to say about me: hideous, rarely smiling. Not an fanatic gamer or internet addict, but never liked crowds. Around me are several people, whom i can call "friends", and much more who pretends to be, but fails some checks ^^
Joined UD in august 2010, so i'm still green and new, and i seriously lack in expirience. Time will teach me. I hope so.
I have TWO eyes, really! So you can stop bother yourself with it and just call me "Yum".
For post-USSR people: кто не смог перевести вышесказанное, тому оно особо и не нужно. Мне 22, я бородат, почти женат, не то чтобы лжец. Иногда бываю толстым тролем. Часто мрачен, характер ни разу не нордический - если возникает проблема, я не встречу ее лицом к лицу, я обойду сзади и шандарахну лопатой по голове. Ибо нефиг =)
В игру попал в августе 2010, пока что освоился на базовом уровне, но еще многое предстоит понять, или же просто привыкнуть.
У меня ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО два глаза! Если вас это смущает, называйте меня просто "Юм" (расс. русск. Й'ум)
Characters overall view
I've tried several characters from beginning, but soon discovered main weakness of "free" playing: you have a 50 AP every day, AND only 160 "ap" to access main page. It means you have only 110 actions left to refresh page (and look if you still alive).
It's not much in a world, where 2 zeds can get into building and kill you in 1-2 real minutes. From that point i (role-)play only one guy...
Character: Two Eyed Yum
I was born as a scout. Someone, who likes to avoid battles, who searches for possibilities (for himself, and for other survivors alike). Someone, who will stab zed in back, if it's too eager to get into someone's house. Everyone deserves his private life, after all!
Been impressed with binoculars... for first time. Now this item looks worse than 3-days-old corpse. I rarely use them, as i clearly see zed occupation with my own eyes.
It was natural idea for me to evolve from Scout to Stealth-Ninja-Sniper or whatever. But i can't hide even in dark building, can't sneak past slow zeds... What a shitty Ninja, yeah? Well, at least, i can freerun, thinking about it as about ninja-roof-jumping.
What a dissapointment - there is no Katana, only shitty knives and axes! Update: well, at least i can grab a 2-3 exp per 1AP if i'm bored.
Current thoughts about game
Another day in Malton. Ruined buildings, ruined streets... I've never found any fun in visiting "green" suburbs, as they are... well, boring. On another hand, i become very angry, if see single EHB and lit building with 30-40 survivers inside, in RED suburb. What the fuck they think about? Once detected, they will be spammed with zeds, zeds and MOAR zeds!
I was dragged to "river tactic" side very quickly, as scout naturally won't stay long in one place. Running, cading, running, cading - repeat until you're dead! After all, cading is only way to help others, as i need around 300 exp (which i can't afford in current situation) to learn reviving skill...
I would gladly join any active group, who really makes something useful - retakes res.points, Malls and Forts, but... Well, it even hard to cooperate with fellow russians as they find thousand reasons to not come at right moment, or to not turn on ICQ-or-whatever.
Currently i have some connections with USSR group, but mostly act solo.