User:Undead Squirrel

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I'M INSANEZORZ11100101010100101

Bhahahhahhahhahdhadfhahahhahahhah *Coughs*

Sorry, but I had a sugar rush just.

My charector on Urban Dead has recently quit smoking, the Zombie Squirrels and feeding Zombies crackers. When I'm a Zombie I kill people, and when I'm a human, I help people.

I poured pop rocks into a can of Mountain Dew and through it at a Zombie. The head flew onto me and sprayed infected blood all over my new tuxedo.

  • Pours a ton of sugar in my mouth.*

SUGAR! Bwahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahah!

Eat my shorts and bumper stickers!


Also, I'm sorry about a thing that I did, and I'll never do again. This:

Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
Undead Squirrel has PKed 1 committed people.