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The New Maltonian Dyansty

The Story of Jack Cortez

Jack Cortez was born on June 1st, 1980. He grew up in the great city of Malton, and when he was 18, joined the volunteer fire brigade. The job soon became his carrer, and while in training, he met a fellow by the name of Dan Archy, who went by the nickname "Bring It On". The two became fast friends, but after training, they went their seperate ways. Jack returned to his home in Jensentown, while Dan went off to new territory in Reagan Bank. They kept in touch, as friends do. Then came the day when everything in Jacks life changed. When he first realized the dead were returning to life, he was on call, putting out the fires of a Jensentown home. He witnessed one man he had seen with his own eyes burn to death in the fire, stand up and devour one of the bystanders watching the flames. Jack reacted quickly, and cut the madman down where he stood with his fire axe. But the man got back up. Jack quicky realized that this was not a fight he could win, and returned to his home to collect himself. From there, Jack set out on a mission fraught with danger. He began slaying zombies, like so many other citizens of Malton had started doing. Jack was nearly consumed by zombies on his first day, but managed to make it to a local Hospital, where he recieved treatment for his wounds from fellow survivors. This got Jack thinking. People together were quite a force. He had heard of renegade groups, controlling areas all over Malton, and had also heard of great wars between these groups. Jack had a plan to help everyone everywhere that still had a breath in their body. He would set out to unite all groups under a network, a network that would aid any and all survivors in trouble. Some said it was foolish. Some said it was brilliant. But it wasnt until he ran into his old friend Dan that he was able to get his idea off the ground. With Dan's support, they began telling others about this group. Though there was and is some resistance, groups began signing on, saying that the motto "Unite and Fight" was noble and atchievable. Jacks wish for unity began coming true faster than he had ever thought possible... And now today...
