User:William Retallick

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Pvt. William Retallick

Born: July 2nd, 1981.

Deployed to Malton: 2009-03-24 01:03:49

Class: Military

Level: 6

Group: none

Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Shotgun Training, Free Running, Shopping and Bargain Hunting

Physical Description

Standing at just under 6'4 Willam Retallick towers over most. His face wears a look of exhaustion and despair, even though he is only 28, his hair is prematurely gray. 4 scars stretch down the right side of his face and he is missing his ring finger on his left hand. His military uniform has been discarded for laymen clothes, a black leather greatcoat, Gray slacks and a White T-Shirt. A Colt Python is belted on his right hip, a Benelli M4 hangs on his back.

William's Benelli M4
William's .357 Colt Python


I was born on the 2nd of July, 1981 in Austin, Texas. I was raised by a Conservative Republican family and I attended University of Texas. Shortly after graduating I joined the Marines.

Then the terrorist attack happened and the Iraq war began, I was among the 1st wave of Marines deployed to Iraq. 3 years I fought in that desert wasteland, risking my life for unappreciative American citizens.

Then the outbreaks began, at first we only got scattered reports, a case of cannibalism here, a father goes insane and murders his family, but before anything official was released I was redeployed. I wasn't given a reason, I was only told that some of the Marines were being pulled back stateside.


I was sent to a small town called Malton, we were set up on the town's border. Our orders? To keep the residents from leaving, again they didn't give us a reason, they only told us that 'The residents of Malton were to be quarantined'.

Our job was made easier by a massive chain link fence that ran the perimeter of the City. It was a quick military job that wasn't supposed to be permanent, just there to help until a more substantial fortification could be put in place. We only needed to patrol it and make sure that no one got through or over the barrier.

I'll never forget that first night, about sundown gunfire erupted in the city. At first it was only handguns and shotguns, civilian stuff. But then there came automatic weapon fire and high powered rifle shots. It was hitting the fan in the City and my fellow Marines and I were ordered to hold our positions and under no circumstances enter the city.

I regret following that order everyday of my life, If I'd split from my post and gone in I might have been able to save a couple of people at least. But to tell you the truth I was a little afraid of whatever it was that was happening in Malton.

Then the fires came, huge infernos that were engulfing entire buildings. They started off in the downtown area but then they spread to the residential blocks. Blood curdling screams came from the city, screams of fear, screams of agony. Terrible, terrible stuff happened that first night. But then around dawn it all went quite, not a sound, not a single gunshot or yell. That my friend was scarier than what had been happening.

We still weren't told a thing by the brass, but our orders were made permanent, we were to stay and guard the fence indefinitely. And that's how it was for four years. Everyday the same thing get up, walk the perimeter, eat lunch, return to the patrol and then hit the sack. Never a reason given for our actions. The repetition was maddening, but at least it wasn't as bad as the previous hell hole I'd been in.

Then finally different orders were given, I was to be dropped off with 3 other Marines in the center of the city via Helo. After reconnoitering the city I would return to my drop off point and wait for extraction.

In the Belly of the Beast

I thought, 'Finally I'll be able to get some answers.' That's what was going through my head when I roped down. Immediately as my feet hit the pavement I heard it, a low groaning, coming from somewhere down the street. My companions heard it to and since we were on a reconnaissance mission we moved in to check it out.

Nothing could have prepared us for what we saw. It was a man, or at least a vague semblance of one. Most of its flesh had been ripped away and its bones were sticking through its muscles. Needing no more reason than its appearance we opened fire. Our bullets nearly liquefied its torso, but still it kept coming, slowly moving towards us, emitting a loud groaning noise.

We reloaded our weapons and fired again, luckily one of the bullets hit its head. It dropped to the pavement a lifeless corpse. Then that groaning noise came again, but from a different source, or sources I should say.

It was all around us, coming from every alleyway and street, even from the sewers below us. Then the noisemakers showed themselves, there was 50 of them, all around us. We opened fire again but to no avail, as a soldier you are taught to aim for the center of mass, the torso, none of us thought about shooting the head. Magazine after magazine, bullet after bullet, step after step they drew closer until finally they were within arms reach. They grabbed at us and began to grapple with us. They pulled 2 of my companions down and began to devour their shrieking bodies.

Fear gripped me and I did the only thing I could, I ran, I plowed through their ranks and broke free from the crowd and I ran, ran for my life while my fellow Marines screamed bloody murder behind me.

I don't know how long I ran, only that I did until I couldn't anymore. I collapsed on the pavement and passed out.

I woke up in a ruined old Police Department with 3 other people. They explained to me what my government hadn't, the told me about everything that had happened. Why the quarantine was levied, the panic and mass hysteria and finally about the Zombies. I was overwhelmed and at first I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense. I slowly accepted it and decided that as long as I was in Malton I might as well do what I could, I would dedicate my time to removing the infection. One of the Survivors handed me an old Colt Python(I had dropped my issued weapons when I went AWOL), a First Aid Kit and wished me good luck.

I've been hunting Zombies ever since, hoping that my small contribution is helping in some way.

My Travels in Malton

My skills with a handgun have greatly increased as have my proficiency with my recently acquired Benelli M4. I visited Fort Creedy a day before it was besieged, I felt bad about not returning and helping those trapped inside, I rationalized that I would have been able to make any difference... I would have been able to make a small difference.

Nevertheless I've continued my campaign against the Zombies, after spending some time restocking at Giddings Mall I moved Westward into the more heavily infected areas. I am now staying at The Sellwood Motel and conducting routine Zombie eradication sweeps.