
From The Urban Dead Wiki
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Propaganda Drop.jpg Propaganda
This page contains a heavy load of propaganda. The information stated here might be the truth, might be somewhat similar to the truth, or might be an all out lie. The reader is warned to keep this in mind when reading the matters below.

Currently using four chars, first two are zombie, other two are human pk'ers :

Xyu -

Fleshvoid -

Noh Varr -

Elemental -

For older players wondering where everyone went, this might help if you don't already know of it :

Visited Caiger Mall
This user has visited Caiger Mall.
Zombiespy.gif Zombie Spy
Xyu may or may not be a zombie spy.
!zanbah Barhah.png Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah
This user or group is part of the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah.