Gaining wealth would probably be on the mind of at least a few people (actually, probably MORE than a few) in a city in this type of situation, put I don't think this is the right approach. Maybe when you search in buildings that would have valueables, like malls or the mueseums, there would be a chance to find some valueables left and gain a little bit of XP for it. A looting skill could increase the chance or the XP gained. That said, the art/statues idea is interesting and would be pretty cool to build up an art collection in game, and you are right that the full plate actually would be useful against the zombie's attacks.
Thanks for your complements! haha, the valuables idea I have been pondering, it even states in the front that you could be a civilian that loots the place. Well i was wondering, what do you think would be the right approach to that? I was thinking that the musuem idea would be like a beachhead so it could grow. The looting skill is real cool, i hope you keep working on that... anyway hope to hear your ideas.