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My Profiles

Joined: June 21, 2010
Character class: Civilian, Firefighter
Favorite equipment: An axe spray painted with the letter V
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Dead
Character group: None
Character stats: ??? kills, ??? revives, 6 deaths
Journal: All he wants is to survive this godforsaken quarantine and use his axe to punish the zombie scum. His main targets are the many zombies that inhabit Malton and the known PKer Axe Hack who will inevitably be judged by his Axe >:] and that's all you need to know for Zensaga
Za Zen
Joined: July 7, 2010
Character class: Civilian, Firefighter
Favorite equipment: An axe spray painted entirely black
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: None
Character stats: ??? kills,  ??? revives, ??? deaths
Journal: His only desire is to balance the population of survivors and zombies. His main targets are the majority whether that be the zombies or his fellow survivors is irrelevant for all is equal before his axe >:] and that's all you need to know for Za Zen
Joined: June 28, 2010
Character class: Civilian, Zombie
Favorite equipment: Sharpened teeth used to rend the flesh off his victims
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Dead
Character group: None
Character stats: ??? kills, ??? revives, 10 deaths
Journal: After being fired by NecroTech for being incompetent his transformation into a zombie was seen as a blessing, as he now seeks to eliminate all those employed by them. His main targets are living NecroTech Employees and any humans that may get in his way >:] and that's all you need to know for Artim