User talk:Absolution
Got something to say, post it here.--Absolution 03:23, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
Flames and crap
Hate me to death? Flame here. --Absolution 03:23, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
I realize this is behind on the times, but I only recently joined UD. Thank you for defending free, nasty and disgusting speech on the internet over the whole text rape issue. I thought all you're points were bang on. Nothing makes me sadder than people forgetting that words are just words and games are just games.
I am, for the record, female. And, for the record, I find little in UD quite as funny as letting a zombie I am about to deliver a death blow to know what I'm about to do to it's dead corpse. Hell! If we're going to pretend to blow off people's heads and eat people's brains, I see no reason not to pretend to let off a little steam with some unasked for necrophillia.
Political correctness in a zombie apocalypse game! What do these people do when they go to the movies!?!
Anyway, thanks, and way to go. --Frankenstien 22:11, 18 October 2007 (BST)
Sig test
Absolution 13:02, 22 November 2006 (UTC)