User talk:Ash Riot
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Thanks for the rev. And yes I am back with my brothers in arms currently I'm sleepin at [58-50]. Before you ask, I didnt take the RAF back from Jack.
Report in
Corporal, I want you to report in if you're still active. Wouldn't want to list you as M.I.A. Lt Gen J.Well 23:19, 19 April 2006 (BST)
Me a Mod?
Help support me to be a moderator. --Deathnut RAF 17:57, 6 March 2006 (GMT)
- REPORT- How goes, Corporal? Im just checking in on everyone for an activity update. I know the Mall to the west needs plenty of support. I was thinking of running strikes over that way with our squad. Hit me back w/ your opinion. -DarbyCrash 06:18, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
- Heres the plan for the aformentioned Mall:
c_njq[k(b^njq[k(b[b[k(k&n/n8n?q[n8n?q[b[b/n&q[n<k(b(boq[n^b^n&n(q[n?n&b/h^q[b[n[n8boq[b/n8n_n_q[k?njq[k(q[non&b^n8n_n_k(q[b[k(k&b[n8k&q[k(b[b[k(k&n/q[bon&q[n?n&q[njb_k(k&b[q[b[n8n(njboh^q[n<n&q[b/n[k(b[q[b(n&b8q[k&k(n?q[k(n?n<q[nonjb[q[n&b8b[q[bon&b^b[k(q[b[n[n8n?noh^ Restock, lock and load. Also, be mindful of your AP. Some of the zeds over there are "chasers". They actually followed me, and kicked my ass to death. no fun. Hit me back. -DarbyCrash 20:22, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
RAF: Joyner Battalion
l[k?nanjk&b[n8banjq[;jn&k&b8boh^q[l8n8k&n[n&n_boq[lak(n_n_h^q[c_njk(n/njn?q[b^njbon8bob[k(n?k&njh^q[l<njk&b8b^njq[n<njn^njn?bonjboh^q[can&b8q[b/n8n_n_q[k?njq[k(b[q[b[n[njq[n(k(n_n_q[q[n^n&b^q[n&n?njq[n&n^q[b[b/n&q[b^njk(bon&n?boh^q[;ab[b[k(k&n/n8n?noq[b[n[njq[b?n&n(k?n8njq[b^njbon8bob[k(n?k&njq[b[n[njb^njq[n&b^q[;onjn^njn?n<n8n?noh^k&n&n_n_njk&b[n8n?noq[bob8b<b<n_n8njboq[k(n?n<q[k?k(b^b^n8k&k(n<n8n?noh^q[;onjn<n8k&k(b[njq[k(q[n^b8n_n_q[b^n&b8n?n<q[b[n&q[n&n?njq[n&n^q[b[n[njbonjq[k(n?n<q[k(n_b[njb^n?k(b[njq[b^n&b8n?n<q[n^n&b^q[b^n&b8n?n<h^q[;an_b/k(b(boq[b^njb[b8b^n?q[b[n&q[ljn&n^b[b/n&n&n<q[b[n&q[b^njbob[h^q[l<k&n[njn<b8n_njh^q[lak(bon/b8n_n_h^q[;ab[b[k(k&n/h^q[lan&n?h^c_njn<h^;jb^n8h^q[;onjn^njn?n<h^q[c&b8njh^c&n[b8b^boh^q[;abon[q[ljn8n&b[h^q[;ab[b[k(k&n/h^q[lan&n?h^c&b8njh^c&n[b8b^boh^q[;onjn^njn?n<h^q[c_njn<h^;jb^n8h^q[;ok(b^k?b(;[b^k(bon[q[;ab[b[k(k&n/h^q[c&b8njh^c_njn<h^;jb^n8h^q[;onjn^njn?n<h^q[lan&n?h^c&n[b8b^boh^q[;on&n?b[q[b/n&b^b^b(q[k(k?n&b8b[q[n/n8n_n_boh^q[l(b8bob[q[n<b^n&b<q[b[n[njn8b^q[l&loq[n^n&b^q[b[n[njq[n?njb_b[q[nob8b(h^q[c&n[njb(q[b/n8n_n_q[n<n8njq[bob(bob[njn(k(b[n8k&n_b(h^q[ljnjb<n&b^b[q[b(n&b8b^q[k(k&b[n8ban8b[b(q[b[n&q[n(njq[n<k(n8n_b(h^q[c?bonjq[b[n[njq[b/njnjn/njn?n<q[b[n&q[b^njbob[q[b8b<q[k(n?n<q[b^njbob8b<b<n_b(h^q[c_njq[b/n8n_n_q[k?njnon8n?q[b[n[n8boq[lan&n?h^q[l&n8b[q[n(njq[b8b<q[b/n8b[n[q[k(n?b(q[bjb8njbob[n8n&n?boh^ -DarbyCrash 19:45, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
Pull back. Our Security has been compromised at the Amis bldg.(20zeds), Mayo Row PD has fallen completely. Current focus: Amis bldg. Take out the zeds troubling us at the Amis bldg and if need be fall back to Joyner. Somehow these jerks all came at once, prolly from Nichols Mall. Take em out and tell em to piss off outta Roftwood. Believe it or not, scare tactics works for these things if theyre getting their asses handed to them. Pull back and kick some ass on our homeland. Use Mayo PD as a re-entry point and dont let up. Hit me back with questions, etc. -DarbyCrash 03:03, 18 February 2006 (GMT)
Prof semaj
i believe you were refering to me there thanx for that zed ive almost got enough for free running and im dna scanning as much as i can. im on a defencive roll