User talk:Blessed Guard

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I Guess I'll be your first comment on your wiki. Fairly decent page needs some pictures and some more stuff that tells about your character. Oh and More templates you cant possibly support only two things theres thousands of templates out there see which ones fit you and post em up.--Johnny Reb 01:21, 16 June 2007 (BST)

Vinetown Situation

Hi! Thanks for contacting me about the current situation. To be honest before I was contacted by yourself and M.E.R.C.Y. I was pretty much working alone. I don't want to give much away here as I know zed spies and PKer's can read this so I'll just say I'm stationed in the southern area of Vinetown. I'm not sure what the situation is like outside of the Mitchem Mall general area but down here the population of survivors is extremely low. Due to this the effort to re-take the mall is severely impaired, even if the zed population around the mall is only around 20. My main aim at the moment is just to provide status updates for anyone who's interested in undergoing a co-ordinated effort to recapture the mall and it's surrounding buildings as I can't really do much on my own and no-one else in the area seems to want to help.

I'm glad you contacted me as we can now make some headway in getting various organised groups together. How many of your group are currently stationed in the Vinetown area? If we can get the mobile service back up at Bubcar Towers and radio service then we can communicate with the surrounding suburbs for assistance in re-building. Houldenbank and Pegton are in the green right now so I'm sure they could spare some people. I'll try to communicate with as many people as possible but I think your group will be far more efficient in that area.

As for the two police departments I'm not too far away from them at the moment. I'll go check them out as soon as I have enough AP and from there on I was going to check out the rest of the suburb and see if there's enough people to re-take the mall. We did try recently but the zeds easily broke back in (only around 8 of us) and then attacked our safehouse at a nearby warehouse. I'm not sure how many survived as I fled to Osmondville but I'm sure they're scattered around somewhere.

I'll keep you updated with any information as it comes in and let you know about the status of the two police departments. Thanks! --Mullers 02:50, 21 August 2007 (BST)

Greetings, Blessed Guard. I echo Mr. Radcheck in welcoming this communication - Vinetown is certainly in dire straights and could use assistance. At this point in time, M.E.R.C.Y. lacks a more secure form of communication, so I too will keep things general.
I have been operating from a variety of locations in Northwest and Western Vinetown, focusing primarily on maintaining the Bhore Monument RP. Lacking efficient offensive capability, other efforts have been channeled toward repairing and cading locations the dead have abandoned and administering medical attention while my supplies last.
Mr. Radcheck's observations on the current status of things are quite accurate. The central portion of the suburb centering around Mitchem Mall is in the worst shape. The Mall itself as well as most surrounding locations are in ruins. Some stalwart survivors continue to make a fight of it striking from more secure locations at the suburb edges and just over the borders, but no secure foothold has been successfully held for any significant length of time within or near the mall since the LUE horde came through back in July. Local resources are stretched thin, and one typically must leave Vinetown for successful restock runs.
If you require something more specific, I'm capable of scouting and providing more detailed observations. I note the ACC has a forum - if you request it, perhaps I could supply you with such information there if you'd like a more secure channel for communication. At any rate, we welcome any assistance you can provide, and once again thank you for your message. --Sister Rita 03:22, 21 August 2007 (BST)
I could also contact you through the forums if you prefer that.
Anyway, as per your request, I took a look at the two police stations and both are completely ransacked (Caunt is ruined and has one zed calling it home for the moment). All surrounding buildings are ransacked and most have a few zombies standing around. I think I have an idea about what you want to use them for but I'll stop short of speaking about it here.
I'm going back to the mall to take a quick look and do a status update. --Mullers 16:19, 21 August 2007 (BST)
M.E.R.C.Y. can now be contacted through the M.E.R.C.Y. forums. A secure area has been reserved for friendly discussion between allies, assuming this is something you're seeking. I look forward to hearing from you. --Sister Rita 05:00, 23 August 2007 (BST)

Contacting the Malton Medical Staff

Hello, this is the Head Administrator of the Malton Medical Staff and I saw your message left on our talk pages requesting more secure forms of communication other than leaving messages here or talking to me and 49 other people in game. We have no dedicated forums so the best method would be to directly email me on mail<at>sunilpatel<dot>co<dot>uk if you have restricted communications to exchange. Hope to head from you soon. GreenWing --Sunil 18:29, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

To contact other Roftwood groups, you might try the Roftwood Coordination Center forums. --Evan Cord 22:02, 7 February 2008 (UTC)


What was the reason why I was banned? I mean I didnt break any rules.--LilJoeMeatHead

A Belated Goodbye

Just wanted to leave a goodbye note somewhere you might find it. All the best. --McWaffle 18:57, 18 September 2008 (BST)

Yeah, returned to the ACC and just caught up with them in game. Good to see so many familiar faces around, but some are conspicuous in their absence! anyway, uh... keep it real? or something? --McWaffle 08:52, 20 September 2008 (BST)