User talk:Bogdan Radu

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Bogdan's Message Board

If you want to leave me a message, go ahead. I will answer in the shortest time possible.

Hello Radu, I see that you are Romanian. De fel, ca si mine. Ei bine, as vrea sa intreb daca tu inca esti in "Fort Creedy". --Dbuhos 16:05, 7 March 2010 (UTC)

- Momentan sunt in preajma fortului dar, considerand ca a fost ocupat de zombies, incerc sa stau la o distanta acceptabila de el. Am avut noroc ca am fost sa caut munitie intr-o sectie de politie cand au dat navala verzisorii :)) --Bogdan Radu 08:41, 15 March 2010 (UTC)