User talk:DangerReport/Dowdney Mall

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Regarding "Under Siege" and "Under Attack" during RRF Siege

Crimson47's Revision as of 2007-05-09T03:07:57 moved the status to under siege. However, the only building technically under siege is the Dewes Building. Most of the large zed groups are on Dewes, or attacking buildings in the SW or NW of Santlerville. Dowdney Mall sees occasional breakins, but it does not have "more than 100 standing zombies outside the Mall", if "outside the Mall" means "outside one of the Mall corners." In fact, Dewes has anywhere from 60-80 zombies standing at one time. So my question is the mall Danger Report for what's going on around or near the mall, or for the mall itself? --Sexy Rexy Grossman 22:17, 9 May 2007 (BST)

i concur, i have an alt in the area and it is not in as much danger as the chatter indicates, the mall itself is not even suffering bad breakins. i'm inclined to change it back to safe again. --Lardass 02:41, 10 May 2007 (BST)

No, put it under attack. If the mall is suffering break-ins then its "Under attack." If it has more than 100 zeds standing outside, then it's under siege. --User:Axe27/Sig 03:01, 10 May 2007 (BST)

although suffering break ins there are NO standing zeds outside the mall. the definition of under attack is "more than 25 standing zombies outside the Mall" it does not meet this criteria. keep in mind that this is the MALL information center, not the suburb information center. that is elsewhere. [edit] actually just now checking my alt in the area, dewes only has 32 standing zeds outside, so the siege (such as it was) may be ending anyway. --Lardass 15:12, 10 May 2007 (BST)

the siege is NOT ending. There are 255 dead bodies outside of Dewes, who are waiting for more zombie reinforcements to arrive. The RRF has called in more friends. I have to agree with Axe27 here; the mall is NOT safe, as it does have regular break-ins. I'm switching it to Under Attack. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 20:05, 10 May 2007 (BST)
i respectfully disagree. sieges typically end with large piles of bodies outside for some reason, the activity of a siege is better gaged by the number of standing zeds, meaning zeds actively wailing on the 'cades. In any event, the state of the siege at Dewes is completely irrelevant to the status of Dowdney - as i stated above this is the MALL information center; there is a Building_Information_Center which is more appropriate for the activity at Dewes. The simple and undisputed fact of the matter is that the mall itself, either by a strict definitions in the MIC or the probability of actually dying in the mall, is about as safe as it gets. if you want to denote the danger in the area, update the Building_Information_Center and User:DangerReport/Santlerville pages. --Lardass 00:59, 11 May 2007 (BST)
We have been updating Dewes building status on the BIC for some time now. I agree that the the current situation does not fit the standard of "Under Attack" as defined by the Mall Status options. However, the mall is by no means "safe" with roughly 4 or 5 zombie groups in the area, who have openly declared their intentions on taking the Mall down. The solution is to adjust the Building Status definitions for more flexibilty; so that a horde of zombies a few blocks adjacent to a mall adjusts the Mall's status accordingly. But for now, I have no choice but to allow the "safe" status to be used. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 15:27, 11 May 2007 (BST)
Well, i consider the mall safe if there is an extremely low likelihood of anything happening to a survivor sleeping there and i think the MIC definitions capture that pretty well - rumored intentions of hordes are not the same as action - and not something that justifies the changing of the status tag, although they could be mentioned in the description. As an aside all the flap over the RRF activity in Santlerville is inappropriate... it harkens back to the days of The_Many but ultimately consider that even if the entire RRF showed up (which isn't going to happen as some of them are at the blackmore NT building) and were joined by one or two of the other active groups they still wouldn't even come close to outnumbering the survivors already in the area - barring another mega-horde like the mall tour forming the mall is just not in any real danger -- it simply does not warrant the level of concern that people have. --Lardass 18:01, 11 May 2007 (BST)
I have 4 confirmed groups helping RRF in Santlerville now, and 2 other groups who may be helping but have not been seen in Santlerville yet. Having 250+ active zeds, standing or dead near your building does not make you safe in this day and age of coordinated zombie strike teams. By definition, Dowdney is safe; in context, it is not. Noting the context in the Mall's Danger Report comments should not be considered inappropriate. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 23:21, 11 May 2007 (BST)
This issue is moot at this point, but since it's starting to crop up for Caiger now i just want to contribute one more time - I wholeheartedly agree that noting the danger and nearby activity in the comments is appropriate, and anyone trying to determine the status of the mall can gleam the contextual information there; but as you note, by definition if a mall itself is not directly under attack, it should be tagged as safe, as for the immediate present (which the MIC is aimed to represent) it ultimately is. After all, there is no guarantee that a horde attacking Dewes (or Latrobe) will move to the mall next; or, more significantly, that the siege of those NT buildings will even succeed allowing them to proceed to the mall. --Lardass 20:23, 15 May 2007 (BST)
Okay. I think that's fair; allowing the context of the building's relative safety be put in the comments, and then making the actual definition of the report be the current-time attributes. Thank you for the clarification and discussion on this matter. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 22:01, 22 May 2007 (BST)