User talk:Fixxxer

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Your Suggestion

I just wanted you to know that I, personally, like the idea of bull rushing - and, in fact, like it substantially better than I like the people who were giving you hell about it over at Suggestions. The problem with the way Suggestions is set up is that it's all very political, and virtually any new skill suggestion is going to divide the voting bloc along survivor-zombie lines. Suggestions never accomplishes anything for just this reason - to vote on passing a skill would mean giving one side a leg up, and the other side will never stand for it. Thus, perfectly reasonable ideas - such as yours - become casualties because they don't abide by the politics of the board. A reasonable man would let the idea pass and then propose a pro-Zed improvement to even things out, but these are not reasonable men. So I commend you for your contribution, and also for the stalwart way you simply stood there and apologized while they hounded you for it. Also, since this appears to be your first message, I would like to welcome you to the Urban Dead Wiki. For your sake I suggest you leave now and not come back, because things never get better. -George Zip ◆◆◆ 03:57, 10 August 2009 (BST)