User talk:Jokimoto

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JokimotoM.E.R.C.Y. EDU T

Edmund General Stuff (Doc Smithsfieldsoner)

Doc is back. For how long? None can say. If you wanna talk to him, this is his answering service.

-places wilting lily on pile of rubble believed to hold semi-digested remains of Doc after long ago demolition and repair of Edmund- Alas, current and future generations of interns do not know of your valiant efforts to indigest and hemorrhoid the zombie hordes to protect our retreat and regroup to retake our home. Au revoir, sweet proctologist.--Sasha belle 02:56, 14 August 2010 (BST)

Well you know after slipping into a coma god know's how long ago I awoke to find myself covered in filth, but essentially intact. I was as surprised to see Edmund still going as you were to see me. JokimotoM.E.R.C.Y. EDU T 17:12, 1 February 2013 (UTC) i.e. Doc

Maj Major M Major

MMMM's currently stumbling around somewhere east of Vinetown. He asks that anyone with a needle please visit him, as looking like Henry Fonda would be preferable to his current rotting state.


Thumbs McSweeney's (Intended) Speech at Ackland Mall

Below is the full text of the intended speech by Thumbs McSweeney, meant to have been given just before the fall of Ackland after 6 days of hard fighting. Unfortunately, Thumbs was unable to blurt out more than a hasty "Fight on, brothers!" before he was overcome and his brains devoured by DonTickles.

"Brothers of Ackland, hear me! The time has come to make your stand against the minions of Hell, these zeds before us! Long have we fought, desperate was our struggle, and you have all shown valor beyond belief in these horrible times. DoomGuy91, Leah McGroyne, Kale Black... it has been my honor to fight, and now die, beside you. Should we meet again in the Afterlife, I would be equally honored to fight alongside you there as well, if we decide we stand a chance against whatever minions occupy It. If not, then know that I will run as fast and far as you, with as much cowardice and shame as any man can muster.

Never again, brothers, will we be afforded an opportunity such as has been granted to us on this day: to show our fellow Survivors just what it means to give our lives in defense of our Homeland! Your names will go down in History; weep not! Indeed, you'll soon be incapable of weeping, for you'll all be dead and no longer in possession of functioning tearducts.

For now, until the zed hordes swarm upon us, tearing our limbs asunder with grisly abandon and shocking violence, I say 'Fight on, brothers! Fight on!"