User talk:Levi Romero/Third Positionism
Hi Nazi
Hey, I submitted this page to Move Requests to discuss having it moved from the main space of the wiki. It appears to be a user sub-page for a nazi. -- LABIA on the INTERNET
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 18:58, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Umm hi, I don't know what you're referring to, but Third Positionism is generally considered vehemently against NatSoc as 3Ps dont agree with 2Ps socialistic economic principles.... to call this a nazi standpoint is exactly why people call people like you armchair leftists in the modern political discourse. It's histrionic and downright wrong, this would be closer to Tribal-Junta-ism. Template:Uriel MilkSig 19:03, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- PS since I've been lurking the recent changes the past few weeks, I've seen you and a few of your clanmates/friends throw the slur "Nazi" ad nauseam. I don't believe you or they, possess the mental fortitude to understand the nuance of any sort of economic and political rhetoric. It appears you seem to have this idea of a left v right dichotomy. That does not exist, and you likely think of yourself as a "leftist" you are not... I am a true leftist. You and your protectionist-progressive liberal dogma is not welcomed amongst true vanguard, please shut the hell up and play the game... you wont find anything political on my page. A literal brainlet like yourself ought to not either. Thanks sweaty! Template:Uriel MilkSig 19:08, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- The Hi Nazi is for the user who created the page; However, I think you need more acronyms to really get your point across. Or are you trying to be concise by shortening your words? Here, let me help you shorten that: "Umm hi, I'm a nazi defender. User:Nazi Defender Uriel". lol --
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 19:11, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- I did not know you could be a leftist ANNDD a Nazi defender. That is a serious case of brain worms you got there. --
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 19:14, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- ooooooooh nice one. I'm gonna bow out. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.... Silly, silly girl Template:Uriel MilkSig 19:17, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- This is hilarious, your defense of Nazism while simultaneously claiming to be a "true lefist" is the definition of cognitive dissonance. --
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 19:22, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- You can go ahead and conflate defending "nazis" with explaining the differences between different groups on the political spectrum, because that's exactly what I'd expect and idiot to do. By all means be as simple as you are... "nO tRuE sChOtzMyn hUrrRr" Template:Uriel MilkSig 20:36, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Yes, an ideology that finds its roots in Nazbol and Strasserism and is embraced by White Nationalists et al is surely on the up and up. Can't imagine why anyone would lump you in with Corn and Levi. Truly perplexing. Sniper4625
#4625 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 20:39, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
lol. --LABIA on the INTERNET
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 01:58, 1 September 2018 (UTC)
- Yes, an ideology that finds its roots in Nazbol and Strasserism and is embraced by White Nationalists et al is surely on the up and up. Can't imagine why anyone would lump you in with Corn and Levi. Truly perplexing. Sniper4625
- You can go ahead and conflate defending "nazis" with explaining the differences between different groups on the political spectrum, because that's exactly what I'd expect and idiot to do. By all means be as simple as you are... "nO tRuE sChOtzMyn hUrrRr" Template:Uriel MilkSig 20:36, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- This is hilarious, your defense of Nazism while simultaneously claiming to be a "true lefist" is the definition of cognitive dissonance. --
- ooooooooh nice one. I'm gonna bow out. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.... Silly, silly girl Template:Uriel MilkSig 19:17, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- The Hi Nazi is for the user who created the page; However, I think you need more acronyms to really get your point across. Or are you trying to be concise by shortening your words? Here, let me help you shorten that: "Umm hi, I'm a nazi defender. User:Nazi Defender Uriel". lol --
Americans, man....
Your race is the biggest mix in history, Bastard children can't be nationalists - unless you about to drop some "Im African" on us. -- 19:41, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Bringing race into the issue lol. Trotters must die as they are a sap on all of our collective IQs Template:Uriel MilkSig 20:37, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Do you know what the enemy of my enemy is my friend means? Imagine being the guy that brings it all together. --
21:05, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 20:53, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Do you know what the enemy of my enemy is my friend means? Imagine being the guy that brings it all together. --
Wikipedia:International_Third_Position "International Third Position (ITP) was a neo-fascist organisation formed by the breakaway faction of the British National Front, led by Roberto Fiore, an ex-member of the Italian far-right movement Third Position." Neo-fascist group with a far-right political slant (but with some leftist ideas thrown in like protecting the environment). Definitely Nazis. With brain worms. Like User:Uriel_Milk. -- LABIA on the INTERNET
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 19:41, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- ooooooOOOooO0oH niiice copy-job there uggo Template:Uriel MilkSig 20:38, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- What about the brain worms part? That was your favorite right? --
Dunell Hills Corpseman
#24 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 20:40, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- I mean I'd love to read your arguement as to how an ideology that seems to be embraced almost entirely by white nationalists and neonazis isnt something to mock on all fronts. Sniper4625
#4625 -
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TMG 20:45, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- What about the brain worms part? That was your favorite right? --