Five-Alarm Fuckwit Notice
Notice: This is a serious wiki. Please do not silly. Thank you. Seriously.
Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.
Proud fat member of The Dead.
One of the sackers of Thompson Mall - March 7th, 2008.
Participant of March of The Dead 2008.
Dancing Zombie. If you see him dancing, run like hell stay for dinner.
The Dead are Ruining the Game!
This user believes The Dead are ruining the game
and is crying about it.
Slayer of the Octopope
This zombie slew the Octopope. No worries, he'll rise again (within three working days) to squirt the blessed ink of redemption.
==Slayer of the Octopope==
Notice: This User needs to Deal With it.
Pubbie Rehab Policy
This user encourages pubbies of Urban Dead to:
- Log out of Urban Dead
- Let their character go inactive
- Burn their fursuits
- Get a life
- Make real friends
- Be happy without UrbanDead
That pubbie's a spy!
No Spying
"They knew everything, there is a leak from the inside, its real, smoke'em out" This user/group hates spying
Forum Spies Suck
This user or group thinks that infiltrating another group's forum is a pathetic and disgusting waste of human potential, in contrast to in-game spying.
Zombie Spy
DeRathi may or may not be a zombie spy.
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
This User > Jesus
This user claims to be better than Jesus
Jesus Was Jewish
This user believes that Jesus was most likely Jewish.
Why? Because both his parents were Jews.
Jesus Was Asian
This user believes that Jesus was from the far East.
Jesus Was Black
This user believes that Jesus was a brother.
Jesus Was White
This user believes that Jesus was an Aryan.
Blessed by Zombie Jesus
This user or group has the blessing of Zombie Jesus. Do you?
Feral UnCOOL
This user or group believes the Feral Undead kinda suck since Bullgod left.
2nd Amendment
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
This user supports the use of firearms on Humans and Zombies alike.
ZOMG! Lok at 73s peaz?!?
The Evil, Purple, Pea-King monkey mocks you!
Adventure Tourist
This user goes on holiday in ruined suburbs.
An Adventurer is Me!
This user plays The Kingdom of Loathing
This User or Group supports the ideal of absolute equality and freedom: anarchy! They will stop at nothing to ensure that the deadening, repressive institutions of government and capitalism are kept out of Malton.
Politicians and stockbrokers: BEWARE!
This user or group is against the concept and ideals of Socialism and Anarchism, and will fight to the last breath in opposition against the oppressive groups.
Anti Dual Nature Supporter
This user believes that Dual Nature players simply can't make up their mind and thus are TRAITORS to BOTH SIDES.
Because Malton needs a hot secretary.
Arguing on the Internets
Who doesn't enjoy interesting and productive discussions with intelligent adversaries?
Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Dupe Clones!
Batshit Insane
This user is off their rocker, out of their mind, lost their marbles, crazy, nutty as a fruitcake. Their cheese is sliding off the cracker! {{{Name}}} is Batshit Insane.
This user knows it's probably best NOT to be in Blades' seat when he comes home.
Getting the Band Back Together
This survivor thinks that its time to get the band back together and fight the zombies to regain and keep our place of superiority.
Battleship Cannons Fire!
This user thinks that if any battleships are patrolling in the ocean near the location of Malton, they should open fire upon the areas high in zombies because it would be cool to watch them get blown into pieces.
A Beautiful Death
"Arcadian, I've fought countless times, yet I've never met an adversary who could offer me what we Spartans call "A Beautiful Death." I can only hope, with all the world's warriors gathered against us, there might be one down there who's up to the task." {{{This user}}} has died in glorious combat as a Spartan.
Beat The Bejesus
This Person or Group Knows That Sometimes You Just Gotta Beat The Bejesus Outta Somethings...
This user wears a beret.
Friends Don't Let Friends Zerg
This user and/or group is opposed to the use of Zergs and multiple character abuse, and reserve the right to publicly humiliate those who do.
Blot It Out!
This user supports the Blood Smear Grafitti ability for zombies
Blood Sucking Lawyers
This user thinks all lawyers should all just drop dead.
To those that have done me wrong
I bequeath... a boot to the head.
Drivers Against Beeping Horns
This user or group uses the bumper.
That's what it's for.
Bush to the Rescue!
Finally, someone in power is going to do something about this damnable zombie situation!
Bush is an alien!!
{{{user}}} thinks bush is an alien because he can't speak english.
Damn that Bush
The ass that failed to give any support to Malton when the outbreak occurred.
This user is affiliated with C.C.
Stuffed Crocodile
This character worships the Taxidermied Terror. Praise Him for He is Toothy and Green.
This User or Group supports the ideals of Capitalism as well as its reintegration into Malton society.
This User Mourns for Carlin
" 'Older' sounds a little better than 'old,' doesn't it? Sounds like it might even last a little longer. ... I'm getting old. And it's OK. Because thanks to our fear of death in this country I won't have to die - I'll 'pass away.' Or I'll 'expire,' like a magazine subscription. If it happens in the hospital they'll call it a 'terminal episode.' The insurance company will refer to it as 'negative patient care outcome.' And if it's the result of malpractice they'll say it was a 'therapeutic misadventure.' "
Chaco Chicken
This user eats Chaco Chicken. Available exclusively at the Clatworthy Arms. Good people, Good food.
If you managed to stay out of debts without having to sell your possessions, then you aren't Jean Charest.
This user can haz cheezburger.
The Sky is Falling!
This survivor thinks that the sky is falling and is freaking out accordingly.
DeRathi Is an avid player of
Clatter's Best Ale
This User has enjoys drinking a refreshing pint of Clatter's Best Ale at the Clatworthy Arms! Brewed exclusively by the Upstairs Brewing Company.
This user's favorite color is black.
This user has gone absolutely mad. Beware of him/her!
This user thinks that crucifixes should have some sort of use in the game, like being able to power a generator being able to throw them at other players.
Crusader of Logic
This user believes that any irrational comment on the Developing Suggestions page can be countered in a logical and realistic manner, without the need for petty insults.
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, this dead user waits dreaming.
♥♥ ZOMG Josh Cwawk ♥♥
This user weally weally WUVS Josh Cwawk and CWAVES to get punished by him one day *giggle*
Until that day, she is wimited to watching Xtweme Zone and sighing wongingly at evewy appeawance of that rugged daredevil *sigh*
The Dill Monument
This user has visited the Dill Monument and knows the history of Martin Dill.
This user is a member of DobroSquad. He kicks asses and chews bubblegum!
Swim swim hungry!
This user belives that Dopefish lives and that it's still hungry.
Dr Emilio Lizardo's Revive Serum Grappa
This User has enjoys drinking Dr Emilio Lizardo's Revive Serum Grappa after each revive! Available exclusively at the Lowther Building and the Clatworthy Arms
Days of our Revives
Warning: The "D" stands for Drama. Er, I mean, There be drama here. Chances are at least one member of at least one of the groups involved is doing this for his her their own twisted pleasure. You have been warned.
This User drinks entirely too much and should probably quit before they die.
Dual Pistol Wielder
This user packs at least two loaded pistols at all times. ̿̿ ̿̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
This User thinks that Eddie is the Ultimate Zombie and that Iron Maiden is the greatest metal band of all time.
I hate Emo Kids!
This user believes we should give free razorblades to Emo Kids.
This user is affiliated with lelouch
We mustn't dwell...
no, not today. We CAN'T. Not on Rex Manning day.
I started a joke... I mean, Escape.
Escape Fail
I participated in Escape and all I got was this lousy template.
This user believes that bridges are made out of refigerators.
Fat Dinosaurs
It was fast food that killed the dinos!
Directions To Exit
Always follow the arrows when in doubt of where to go.
We love...wait a minute
This user loves the hot fir---oh wait this is going horribly wrong, isn't it...
Let's Abuse Flagboxes!
This user or group abuses or excessively uses flagboxes.
Formatting Nazi
This user is a formatting Nazi and will fix your lists, indents, links, template calls or other wiki-code without asking.
Forster's Syndrome
If such a thing exists, this user or group is most likely afflicted with Forster's Syndrome. Or is way, WAY too smart for his or its own good.
Fried Gold Pig Lumps
This user has sampled the delicious and intoxicating Fried Gold Pig Lumps available only at The Clatworthy Arms!
I just read your Wiki Userpage. Fully!
Fight on!
This user knows there are some harsh situations out there, some are futile. However, they shall never give up in the zombie outbreak, as they want to live.
This user wears a gas mask for protection against the bad zombie smell.
Gay PK Count
This user has gayingly PKed some people.
This user loves Gin, not the alcohol...
Gnap! Gnap!
This smurf is really smurfed and wants to smurf everyone in the smurf!
God Hand
This user thinks that God Hand for the PS2 is one of the best games ever made by mankind.
Most of all, this user enjoys the {{{fun}}}
It still doesn't compare to Urban Dead, though.
Good Grooming
This user or group practices good grooming habits, and recommends that other Malton survivors do too.
Good Night Sweet Prince
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
Who's got a minion? Who's got a minion? You do!
This user has received a minion. Aren't you jealous?
This user enjoys sneaking up behind people and fondling their backsides.
This zombie enjoys playfully confusing and humiliating survivors.
This user plays rock on a fancy guitar.
Gun addict
This user loves guns, and is probably off shooting something.
The importance of one nail
This user thinks that one nail makes a big difference.
This user/group is awesome!
Ban Heresy
This user or group does not tolerate heresy against Sweet Zombie Jesus.
This user is considered a hero.
Absolut'ly Perfect Computer Mod
Drinking and Playing UD Does Mix. If you try hard enough.
Hillary Iron My Shirt
This user believes that Hillary should stop running for President and start ironing his shirt.
Hippocratic suggestion
This user or group supports the Hippocratic Suggestion & believes that all characters in need of medical attention should be treated, regardless of the injured characters past actions within the city of Malton...To an extent...
This user recognizes the difference between a horde and a hoard.
Stop Holiday Imperialism!
This user refuses to acknowledge the start of Christmas season until the day after Thanksgiving.
The Last in Line
This user knows that Ronny James Dio is more evil and better than Ozzy Osbourne.
Honor Hater
This user would simply have had Honor Harrington quietly shot and stuffed in an unmarked grave without ever admitting he'd even seen her.
Everybody's Human
This User or Group believes that survivors should always stand together, because everybody's human! Except, well, them.
It's Humour, OK?
This user supports the use of humour, even if other people spell it humor.
Image Purger
This sysop has purged All unused images and image revisions from the wiki.
Zgrabga zamgrh!
This page is written in zamgrh .
Katthew For Sysop
This user demands change and a return to common sense. Vote Katthew! We will stop at nothing to promote her.
What Would Jesus Do? Headshot zombies with His Holy katana!
This user believes that if Jesus were around, he'd be a die-hard survivor because JESUS HATES ZOMBIES! Revelations:Some number.
What Would Jesus Do? Eat your bra!nz after clubbing you with the cross.
This user believes that if Jesus were around, he'd be a die-hard zombie because JESUS IS A ZOMBIE! No transubstantiation needed.
What's that thing?
This user loves showing off their junk, and coercing others to do the same.
This user loves to eat at Kenpachi Fried Chicken, who needs McZeds anyways.
This user believes you can't kill the Messiah
Zombie Karaoke
This undead user enjoys serenading survivors when visiting safehouses.
We love Karija!!!
This user loves the hot nurse lady!!!.
Keeper of the Stale Candy
This user just can't get enough of that bitter sweet candy!
We love Kiki!!!
This user loves the hot police lady!!!.
The Dead wants Pubbies everywhere to die.
Kill Count
This user has killed some zombies.
Let's do it! ♥
This user is killing time like the little blue-bird who has never said a word in my dreams cause I've heard roosters do it when he opens the cage and he sets you free (with a doodle and COCK).
Kilts Suck
This user or group hates kilts.
Kim Jong-Il
This User believes that he is Kim Jong-Il. If you don't obey to his every whim, he'll drop the bomb on you.
Kyle 4 Everything '09
{{{Name}}} has pledged support to the KyleStyle For Everything '09 Campaign, agreeing that Kyle should be given every conceivable responsibility in the game.
The Fifth Horseman Fan Club
DeRathi is a member in good standing in The Fifth Horseman "Fan Club."
Frakkin' Lawyer
DeRathi is a lawyer and therefore believed to be damned. "One lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a hundred guys with guns." -- Vito Corleone
DeRathi knows they have a working grasp of the law.
Jabba Fanservice
This user supports slavery.
Liberal Independent
This user is a liberal independent.
Liberal Party of Canada
If you never, EVER, stole anything, then you can be sure you aren't eligible to be in the Liberal Party of Canada.
Lit Cigarettes
Get Lit! with Lit Cigarettes. Made from hand selected Lowther Leaf Tobacco.
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
Logic and Reason
This user rates the power of Logic and Reason over a shotgun any day.
This user thinks there are enough capital letters used on the wiki to feed every bookworm in the world.
Lowther Leaf Premium Cigars
This user enjoys the smooth refreshing taste of Lowther Leaf Premium Cigars
This user is used to dumbing it down
This user thinks werewolves are kickass.
This group beat the Manbagz Zahmbahz in not particularly glorious battle! no, not even a little bit glorious. Maybe a smidgen. What is a smidgen actually? This question will never be answered for the Vlad, the evil Guatemalan Lobster of Paradise is watching over all, and would not permit this question to be answered. You may now delete this template. If its left here for more than three days... IT MIGHT REMAIN FOR FIVE DAYS! (doom).
This user thinks that hats are cool and wants to see every known type of hat in the world in Urban Dead.
Mall Bears
This user believes that bears exist in Malton solely to hunt down humans in their natural habitat.
Don't believe the LIES!
I'm a minion!
This user is a minion of The Dead.
This user thinks that the zombies should outnumber the survivors, at least 2:1 (at minimum), and would probably vote Keep on any suggestion boosting zombies or making it worse for survivors. Why? Because have you ever seen a zombie apocalypse where there were more survivors than zombies? I don't think so.
Mr Fusion
This user believes Zombies should be used as alternative power sources.
museum license
This building has a permit for artifacts. Or it is a Museum.
Mutual Aid
Aid the community and the community aids you.
This User or Group advocates mutual aid by means of being helpful, creative, and cooperative in-game, on the Wiki, and everywhere else in Urban Dead; in other words, not being a horrible, useless bastard.
No Policy Policy
This User or Group is unpredictable, supports the No Policy Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when everybody suffers.
Whatever Happened to Hangman?
This person is still waiting for another game of hangman.
This user thinks that the word "nifty" is... well, pretty nifty.
No Nuclear Weapons for Zombies
This user or group believes that zombies are powerful enough already, thanks
This User or Group supports the No-Tolerance Policy, and does not tolerate PKers, GKers, or zombie spies under any circumstance, and will attack them on sight. You have been warned.
Supporter of No Tactics
I have no clue what I'm doing.
No More Propaganda
This user or group is against propagandous talk.
I don't even know that guy!
This User has one or more PKing characters, but the rest of his or her characters think those guys are crazy, so please don't shoot them.
Just Nuke the Place!
This user thinks the military should drop the bomb on Malton so that the zombies can mutate into something more powerful and finally pose a real threat to survivors. That is, if any of the survivors make it...
Optimus Prime
The owner of this page believes that Optimus Prime is fucking badass and can kick everyone's ass.
That's definitely gonna leave a mark!
Report PKers!
This user or group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
PK Count
This user has PKed some people.
You'd better believe that's a paddlin'!
This user is paranoid.
Permit supplier
This Group supplies Museum permits and enforces the rules.
This user enjoys placing users into narrow categories.
Pink Lover
This user loves Pink!
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
Pretty pony!
This user believes that all of the suburbs are equally pretty, and that heroic last stands for the sake of holding on to your favorite mall or library against hordes of 1500+ zombies are a waste of good brains.
Proposition 902 - Human & Zombie Marriage
This user supports Proposition 902: The legalization of Human and Zombie marriage.
Duck and cover, duck and cover!
Tin-foil hats may work too!
Puddle Jumper
This user thinks puddle jumpers are cool and wishes they could own one.
Punch Out!
This user has punched a zed to DEATH. Or, you know, reDeath.
DeRathi is a pyro and proud of it.
RIP Michael Jackson
{{{User}}} recognizes the passing of a Zombie Icon. Yeah, he was weird, but he did sing a song about Zombies.
Random Number Generator Hater
This user or group hates the RNG gods because they can't find or damage anything.
Radio Survivor
This user or group is a frequent listener to Radio Survivor.
Rebel Yell
This user or group resists the invader in the name of freedom.
Odds be damned! Wolverines!!!
This user believes that Jesus will rise again.
This User is a veteran of the greatest revolution ever. Don't mess with him.
What the Hell is Wrong with you People!?
This user thinks that getting revived takes too freakin' long.
Reward Pudding
This user has won this award for his success in operation pudding.
Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue. This user can rhyme; Don't you wish you could too?
zOMG Headshot
This user likes being killed, and will ?rise for more.
This user is beyond his Lastday
and is seeking sanctuary
SA Abstinence Supporter
This User or Group supports the Goons in their quest for internet domination that will render them all extinct in 70 Years Time.
Supporter of No Tactics
I have no clue what I'm doing.
Sarge Mart Employee
This user is proud to be an employee at Sarge Mart.
You wanna play games? Okay, I'll play with you. You wanna play rough? Okay! Say hello to my little friend!
Someone has spraypainted a sexy almost nude anime girl in a suggestive pose onto a wall.
This user believes that covering spam spraypaint with irrelevant explicit images is a form of love and respect. And so should you.
Wearing Shirts
This user knows how to wear a shirt.
Shotgun Whore
Jill Valentine is a shotgun lusty busty thrusty.
Pseudo Zombie
This user needs more sleep.
Cet utilisateur ou groupe est québécois et supporte sa souveraineté politique.
This User is capable of a 1000yd HeadShot
I'm so retarded that I don't understand the question. --Funt Solo 22:51, 11 March 2007 (UTC)
Mario is Stalin?
This User thinks that the famous plumber might not really be some random italian, but Comrade Stalin himself!
Southern Pride
This user is from the South, and is probably a homophobic redneck.
This user adds soylent when cooking.
Spray Addict
Tag anything that sits still long enough.
Spread Communism
This user thinks Malton lacks significant communist influence, therefore does everything he can to make Malton turn red.
Saint Isidore Is Watching
Have you checked your spelling?
Joseph Stalin: 1878-1953
Stalin: Superior to Lenin, crueler than Hitler, absolute despot of the USSR, Time's "Man of the Year" twice, mentor and architect to communists, and the unmatched murderer of all human history.
This user is a kind of stalker.
Stargate User
This user knows how to use a Stargate and will appear in your building through one and strike you without warning then leave back through it before you can recover.
Still Alive!
This user is still alive!
Strategy Maker
This user is great at making strategies to get out of sticky situations even if things seem hopeless.
Suicide Girls
This user thinks Suicide Girls are fucking hot
The Day Crew
From A to Y, The Day Crew does it all to keep Malton safe!
This user collects TPs for their bathroom.
I want TV!
This user wants Malton to have TV.
Tagging is for Punks
This user believes that tagging is for punks.
This user would love to find a Tardis in Malton, because it's safe and doesn't need cading.
maarh harman bra!nz ahr har!!
This user or group is a fan of feasting on harman bra!nz, and wants more opened.
It looks like you are trying to make a template.
Would you like some help ?
Yes No
Because cooperation is the key to survival.
Today is Monday, 24 Mar 2025
The time is currently 11:05 based on server time.
Please remember to keep this article anti-Cornholioo.
Template:Cutey sig
L.u.e. hater!
this user hopes the lue come to his suburb soon becouse.... this user wants to lay the smackdown to thier zombie asses!
Dork Farces
"Welcome to my tea party!" "I read Nietzsche and look at Renaissance art!
This user or group is an Explorer and belives that we should all join Sean Connery in defeating those damn zombies
This user is is trying to bring back the word Groovy, please help them by using the word Groovy. Both on the wiki and in the outside world.
Heavy Arms
This user or group has Heavy Arms and will use them if provoked.
Please justify your vote
...lest I <strike> it down with great vengeance and furious anger!
This user owns a manbag and uses it to carry items that other people usually stuff into pockets.
This user is addicted to meth. He/she loves meth. Dealing, using, and talking about meth.
Military Medic
DeRathi is a Military Medic
When you care enough to only just get by.
Music Lover
This user likes music.
Are you threatening me!?
This user is # whatever on the NSU Death List.
PKers are people too!
This user or group acknowledges the fact that PKers play a legitimate role in a zombie apocalypse and that they are people too.
New interior paint job
Ask how. Ask now. And stand still, we WANT the paint to splash!
My Wang has poked the Bullgod!
You Gonna Get Raped
This user or group is gonna get raped.
This user is currently hiding from zombies and is using the best disguise ever!
This suggestion has no active conversation. It is marked for deletion in eleven billionty days.
Secret Agent
This user knows no fear, knows no danger, knows nothing
Smart Cars Suck!
This user thinks Smart Cars are Stupid!.
God damn Solid Snake
This user has gone for so long without having a PK reported, they're obviously using the ol' cardboard box trick.
This User stolen something from you and still steals!
What are you looking at?
Stop looking at my gun.
T is for TADERS!
You can't eat the moon. Because it's not a TADER!
ZK Count
This user has ZKed some fellow zombies.
Zombie And Human mercs
This user or group has use for zombie Troopers as well as human troopers when needed.
Template Whore
This User includes as many templates as possible on his or her User Page. I mean, come on! Tusken Raider?!?
This user knows how to make templates.
This user has been exposed to chemical pollution and thinks like a purple tentacle.
This user supports the mass murder of turkeys for Thanksgiving.
You, minion, are too saucy.
This user thinks you should watch what you say on their page.
Good job Ol'Zombie
[[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] has given [[User:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] a great big undead thumbs up for {{{3}}}.
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Ugly Templates
This user supports the use of ugly templates on the wiki.
Unholy Alliance
"We should be fucking dead, my friend."
Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.
Bounty Hunter
This user is a Bounty Hunter.
Desire for Revenge
DeRathi is driven by a desire for revenge against Socks, because fuck those things.
Walk The Earth
This user terrorises Monroeville as part of The Most Photogenic Horde!
WAAA! Kevan didn't cave!
This user thinks that since Escape couldn't change the game, they're going to try and bring it down. Tantrum style!
This user is a member of the Wulves group.
XP Farming is for Babies
This group thinks that XP farming is for whiny babies.
Free the Yeast!
This user believes that yeast is a living thing and should not be put in boxes and commercially exploited.
Number Cruncher
The vile numbers are the scum of Malton. Whether uncreative, unoriginal, or outright zergers, they must die.
Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Zombie Santa's coming to town!
This user is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Zombie Santa on BARHAHmas.
Zombie Sympathizer
This user or group doesn't think that zombies should be shot just because they are different from us.
Zombie Massacre
This user loves going on zombie massacres.
This User or Group supports the belief that zombies are the true revolutionnary force in Malton, created by the capitalists to destroy capitalism.
Zombie Sneak Attack
This Person or Group was OWN3D by a Zombie Sneak Attack!!!
Dr. Dickbutt is a Professor of Zombology, phz
This user is a fan of the mysterious feral in a size M flak jacket.
Did i do this right?
Linked for WIKI LAW