User talk:Rosslessness/Ze Purists Collection

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You missed a few located on Harrison's talk, supplied by SoloDog and me. --Axe Hack Talk 20:34, 3 October 2012 (BST)

ta. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 20:43, 3 October 2012 (BST)
Might be something for yuu: Mere Twets Postman Bob Ze Purist. There was also Pete's Dragon but a.) he is waii older and b.) he has no ZP tags. Hope that helps ^^ --SailorMoon ^^ 20:52, 3 October 2012 (BST)
Much obliged Ma'am. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 21:07, 3 October 2012 (BST)

For anyone who is interested, come over to the ruin that is Q-Bank, and pop inside a TRP or two. Should be able to snag the last few easily!--I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 21:19, 3 October 2012 (BST)

Found one in W. Boundwood near the SE corner. Might be moving East? --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 22:41, 3 October 2012 (BST)
There's currently 8 in Calvert Mall, 2 per corner, and they seem to have been there for 11 days (Judging by decay). Some in surrounding TRP's. Which one you find? --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 22:48, 3 October 2012 (BST)
Zeravshan, here. The other guy I shot explaining why he is there. --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 22:51, 3 October 2012 (BST)
Well, Q-Bank is pretty much a ghost town. I got eaten after DNA scanning 20 of them in a day. How unsurprising I was followed and eaten. --I'm not the Ross UDWiki needs, I'm the Ross it deserves. 22:57, 3 October 2012 (BST)