User talk:Sasha belle

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Next Time

You got away this time, Sasha Belle. Next time I'll make sure to finish the job! Until then, stay alive, so I can be the one to send you to the other side :) PKchu 03:18, 9 August 2011 (BST)

Ha! Was that you? I thought it was just a small breeze from the nearby sewage plant. Currently dead at our local RP if you've got a needle. --Sasha belle 00:59, 10 August 2011 (BST)

Edmund General United

It was very nice to wake from my coma and discover that not only is Edmund still going but that some of my favorite people are still around. Cheers :) Doc Smithsfieldsoner 18:14, 01 Feb. 2012 (GMT +1)

hey sasha i dont know the status of EGU but could you go 5 east and 3 south of it and help me out ive restored and powerd a building but i cant really cade it.--Scvideoking 03:00, 30 June 2011 (BST)scvideoking We'd love to have you. I'll check that board .. maybe permissions are messed up. As you can tell we are pretty casual .. just defend the hopsital and heal folk mostly ;)

--Elingold 03:42, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

It should be taken care of now. I've added you to the Staff group. Not sure if that requires any acceptance from you. I don't think it does. Cheers! Doc Smithsfieldsoner 11:44, 10 Jan. 2010 (EST)

Welcome aboard!

Welcome to the Urban Dead wiki. Should you need any help getting off the ground, feel free to drop by my talk page and ask me anything. Nothing to be done! 03:09, 9 January 2010 (UTC)