User talk:Sindy Saint

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I was just wondering if you have decided the truce with us is over? Since you took out John. --Evl kitty 17:22, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

Please see main user page. That should explain it all. In fact i'll be providing this link to many people. -Sindy Saint 17:40, 17 February 2007 (UTC)


How's it feel to be found out?? By the way... You didn't bring us down, we flushed you out.

Not very nice, Sinning Saint. Spying isn't nice. --RedShadowHero 19:53, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

Actions taken against you have been in response to blatent attempts to provoke the Regulators Alliance. No actual members of the RA have taken direct action against you. The actions have been taken to help protect the surviviors of Dartside who you have been targetting, often in the presence of members of the Regulators Alliance. You have already twisted many of the terms of the Truce at least as badly as you may feel these actions are. It is also apparent that you have been planning and conducting this campaign against the Regulators for some time. This I would suggest, is somewhat in contravention of any truce.

--Turner Calton 20:12, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

huh? -Sindy Saint 20:32, 17 February 2007 (UTC)


This has gone way too far. I am ashamed to say i took this game too seriously. I was playing as a 'character' 'Sindy Saint'. I was being the evil villain. And it was fun. You have insulted my character numerous times and i ignored it mostly as game play. I thought i was being clever catching you at having insulted my character on your forum when your characters had portrayed to be honest with me. I was still being the evil villain sindy saint. But i am saddened that you have taken this out of the game and attempted to attack who i am as a 'real person'. Not i or anyone i know has ever or will ever be a racist, white pride activist. That is far from who i really am. I don't mind the slap for getting caught and finding the info on your forum. In fact I understand. But what turner wrote is terrible. I was surprised to see you allowed this to be posted on your page. I am sorry that this has all escalated to this. I don't know what more i can say. Is it wrong that i was playing the game as the bad villain? I have asked a moderator to remove this, but i would much rather you did it. I will remove the things on my user page. In fact i don't believe i will be writing on this wiki anymore. I'm appalled that it has gotten so out of hand. I will continue to play the game, but i won't be writing or attempting break ins to your forums etc. I played my villain a little to well. Never in the game have i ever wrote, said or implied that i was racist or connected in any way to people who are. I hope we can clear this up.

-Sindy Saint 16:06, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I am willing to accept that the IPs being the same may be a coincidence, but in the process of looking for the leak in our Forum, we did find this discrepancy. We merely wished to make the issue known. This is not a personal attack on you, and is something you may wish to look at yourself to avoid any issues in the future. If you do not have any links with such movements then I'm sure we can remove the post. We do not wish to cause anyone to be unfairly treated here, but felt we needed to bring this to the communities attention given the problems UD has had with a certain Forum in the past. Understand that we are not attempting to make this personal, and that the IP connection was real, and should be cause of concern for yourself as it may cause others to jump to the wrong conclusion.

--Turner Calton 16:39, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I would appreciate the removal of the ip address and statement. Thank you. Again not i or anyone i know has ever or will ever be a part of that disgusting movement. I am truly sorry this has gotten to this point.

-Sindy Saint 16:52, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

This will be removed pending discussion with, and approval from, the RA command, thank you for your understanding.

--Turner Calton 16:54, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I hope soon. I don't want anyone having the wrong impression. -Sindy Saint 16:56, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

I have posted this on our disscussion page but i figured i would post here also. I have no problem removing the notes on the various boards.If there has been confussion it is one the two of you created. The fact is you guys are friends, and LM was supposed to be one of our allies, and he allowed you access to our private forum with the sole purpose of screwing us over.(When he was banned from the forum it was you Sindy signed on under his name was it not?)And LM I actually feel quite hurt by you at the moment and I do realize this is just a game but you know that on the forum we are all friends just having a good time, and you slapped us in the face with it. We will remove the posts. --Evl kitty 02:02, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Thank you very much evil kitty. I do however need to clear one thing up. Lm is not responsible. I take full blame. He is a friend. However he never once actually helped me, by reviving or anything. See he showed me the forum because he was laughing at me. The whole talking trash thing about me was funny i guess. I went on his computer and did the copying. He is pretty pissed at me. So i felt i had to at least clear his name and hopefully redeem myself in his eyes. I hadn't meant to cause him trouble as well. I don't know if you believe me, and i don't expect you to let him on your forum or anything. At least he'll see this and know i tried. Again I am glad you erased that post. I would never want people to believe those things.

-Sindy Saint 02:21, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Also...Turner and regulators I removed that post from the Dartside page as well. I think you forgot that one. I gave a notice to the page owner. I hope thats okay. I left a message as well for a moderator. -Sindy Saint 02:37, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

Sindy, no worries on that, it's the problem with being active in different time zones. I've only just logged on to check the state of play. --Turner Calton 09:17, 19 February 2007 (UTC)

The post has also been removed for our revive forum. I have no want to cause anyone RL problems. We play this game to have fun and thats all. I have also left you a message on our revives forum --Evl kitty 12:59, 19 February 2007 (UTC)