User talk:Stuart Athay

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hello have any questions put them here

Book Idea

Hello, I'm an author and I've been reading about you asking Kevan about the book idea. If it is possible, I would also like to read what you have written so far. I'm very much into zombie fiction and I'm also currently writing one myself. It also features Urban Dead, so I'll have to ask Kevan. But that's once I'm quite a ways in. Anyway, drop me your email address on my talk page and I'll reply. Then you can send me the manuscript you have so far. I'd be happy to offer any suggestions, comments, critiques, etc. Good luck on your book!--MikhailA 03:14, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Hi nice to see a writter. like i told Kevan my spelling isnt good in messages lol. anyways i didnt get permission from Kevan to write the book so i was expecting that and came up with a completely different ideam,so when i get the first chapter done ill send it to ya.--Stu 00:06, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

That's too bad. Anyway, I'd still like to see what you have and what you're currently working on. It doesn't nesscessarily need to be about zombies, yet any genre I like. The zombie book I'm working on is one to break the zombie cliches (e.g.- cameraman falls and gets eaten whilst the general public watches). Keep on writing!--MikhailA 00:46, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

ok send me an email when you get the first chapter done 00:48, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

Signing Your Posts

Make sure you sign your posts after you say anything. It makes it easier for people to follow conversations and, most importantly, lets us link to your page, so that we know who you are! All you have to do is press the sign post button, which is second from the right in the group of buttons that are situated above the text area of an edit screen. Alternatively, you could do it the long way and write --~~~~ which will bring up your timestamped signature. Have fun editing in the future.--MichaelRead 05:52, 1 March 2008 (UTC) ok ill keep that in mind in the future--Stu 20:22, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

back off this book thing, man

I hope you take this as the constructive criticism that it is meant to be... But I'd advise that you just stop bugging Kevan about your book... You are demonstrating, on more than one level, a serious lack of professionalism in your approach. That certainly doesn't inspire much confidence in someone you're making the proposal to. Especially since Kevan is, after all, a web marketing professional ... Meh, this is none of my business, but hell I feel kind of embarassed for you man... You should just back off...

Write whatever you wanna write... run it by some people you know for comments, critiques, etc. Then... and only then... consider sending a sample to Kevan for consideration to go further... Unless you have a demonstrable track record (and even then...), that's the way it's done... And if you're serious about writing, UD tie-ins or whatever it may be... The trick is to stick to it, writing is HARD WORK... And a long learning process, as well... I wish you all the best. --WanYao 10:23, 2 March 2008 (UTC)

ya i know ill try once more by sending the first two chapters and if i dont get an answer or if he says no ill stop bugging him and write about something else.--Stu 23:22, 3 March 2008 (UTC)