April Fool's

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In-game Jokes

Kevan also has a sense of humor, and has played April Fool's jokes on the game.


Added Vampires and Werewolves to UrbanDead.

Characters all over Malton received one of the following messages:

Since your last turn:
A vampire bit you for 4 damage. They drained 1 pint of blood.

The message says that the vampire hit you for 4 damage, but no damage is done.

Since your last turn:
* You heard a werewolf howling 1 block to the east and 4 blocks to the north.


Characters indoors received the following message:

Since your last turn:
An airstrike demolished the building around you, killing 8 survivors and showering you with
wreckage for 24 damage.

And for Characters outside:

Since your last turn:
An M1 Abrams main battle tank passed down the street, running over 13 zombies.
Example screenshot.

Of course, they didn't really. The exact amount of damage and death claimed varied.


Characters in game received the following messages:

Since your last turn:
   * A zombie poked you. (25 minutes ago)
   * A zombie joined the group Feral Undead. (25 minutes ago)
   * A zombie is dead. (25 minutes ago)
   * A zombie is starting a trip to Malton today. (25 minutes ago)
   * A zombie poked you. (25 minutes ago)
   * A zombie and another zombie are now friends. (25 minutes ago)
Example screenshot.

This didn't really happen. Clicking on any of the links brought you to a page with the following text:

April Fool.
That was a Facebook parody.
None of the events with icons necessarily mean anything.
Carry on.

Survivors with other players in their contacts received different messages.

Since your last turn:
   * Vantar is dead. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * HouseFly joined the group unofficial member of the Octopope group. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * delibird poked you. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * razzia and Seighard are now friends. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * HorusLoyalist is dead. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Pathetic BiII is starting a trip to Dentonside today. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Pathetic BilI is attending The Fourth Siege of Caiger Mall. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * TheDavibob killed a survivor. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * SpaceAce is barricading. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * hagnat joined the group Ridleybank Resistance Front. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Virus002 is refuelling a generator. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Flogging Molly poked you. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * addictio and sexualharrison are now friends. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Erik Von Oseff is dead. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Keith Moon poked you. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * Sammy Sweetmeat and a zombie are now friends. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
   * ImperialCommissar is attending NecroTech Training Seminar. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
Example screenshot.


The 2009 April Fool's joke appeared to be life returning to normal for Malton's population. Everyone is alive with 0 Experience Points, full 50 Hit Points (no one has been trained in Bodybuilding yet), and the same set of belongings - newspaper, mobile phone, wallet, key, and coffee, weighting 12% Encumbrance. All building were lit, without any remarks about barricades status. Each type of building has its own internal description, reflecting what would happen in a normal, zombie-free world. Zombies in the streets were shown as "tourists".

"Possible actions" differed depending on your location. Clicking on any of the actions or belongings (except Newspaper, which worked normally if you actually had one) took you to a page stating It's April 1 2009, and the world is ending. as well as any other actions happening since your turn.

The fictional "normal life" events started with The rain stopped. (seven hours ago) and end with The sun came out from behind the clouds. (three minutes ago) Other events were randomly timed in between, except the second-to-last one which happened exactly "twenty minutes ago".

All those random events also differed depending on where you were. For instance, if you were in a mall:


The name of people appearing in the events were randomly drawn from your contact list.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2010.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2011.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2012.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2013.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2014.


No April fool joke was implemented by Kevan in 2015.

Wiki Jokes

Ridleybank Revivification Front

The Ridleybank Resistance Front made their own joke. In the late hours of March 31, 2006 petrosjko made a statement about a reform on the most feared group of Malton.

Well, after a short bit of analysis, we've come to the conclusion 
that yes, survivors are truly getting the short end after the recent 
revive nerf.

As the RRF players have always preferred playing the underdog, 
after due consideration, we have decided to convert en masse to a 
survivor group.  

This will be a long, difficult, and perilous transition.  The fact 
that so many of us are rotters will make life even more delicate and 
fragile.  But we signed on for a challenge, and never let it be said 
that we don't pick up the gauntlet that has been thrown down.

LONG LIVE HUMANITY!  - General Petrosjko
Leader of the Ridleybank Revivification Front

The so called Ridleybank Revivification Front numbered about 42 characters, and sightings of rotters breaking inside NT Buildings to get revives were reported all over Malton.

Metagame Jokes

The RRF Zerging Controversy of 2007

It all began with a seemingly innocent post on the Barhah.com a few days before April Fool's where a prominent member of the War Council appeared to have been caught zerging. From there thread after thread after thread appeared fueling an incredible drama that appeared ready to rip apart the very fabric of the RRF. However, it was merely a horrific joke played by the RRF War Council on the rest of the horde and upon the harman spies that always lurk on Barhah.com. One member of the horde compared the prank to convincing someone that they put their dog to sleep, only to reveal it was an April Fool's joke just before the pet was buried.