Vigar Walk
Vigar Walk
Foulkes Village [2, 85]
Basic Info:
Vigar Walk
Vigar Walk is a pleasant, sunlit avenue connecting the Dudoc Hotel, Alsoop Park and the Boon Museum.
Planted by druids in the first millennium, the Walk's trees follow an ancient lay line across Foulkes Village. The 20th-century addition of upscale townhouses along its margins is thought to have upset the spirits of the trees and either Gaia or feng shui, depending on whether the trendy former inhabitant you speak to is a wannabe Wiccan, Taoist, or simply a deluded post-outbreak Trustafarian hipster.
Whatever the truth about spirits and cosmic energy, since the outbreak the Walk has remained sunlit and pleasant, but its destinations have become decidedly dangerous, and the wealthy inhabitants now show more interest in the size of your brainpan than your bank account. Some cynics consider this an improvement.
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