Waking the dead

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Waking the Dead
Abbreviation: WTD
Group Numbers:
Goals: Survive, thrive...bodysnatch?
Recruitment Policy: Open Recruiting

Waking the Dead

Waking the Dead, once a proud group of body-snatchers and resurrectionists; supplying freshly buried corpses to medical and scientific research groups in return for large sums of cash. The zombie apocalypse however, put a damper on business as the recently dead began walking of their own accord, attempting to eat our brave grave robbers. Now they bide their time waiting till the quarantine is lifted so they can get back to work.

About Us:

I made this group mostly because having ‘none’ in my group box was getting boring and I didn’t want to join a big group, I was also happy in my little area so the thought of migrating to find a group wasn’t too appealing. So I decided to stay put and form this little group, in case anybody out there felt the same.


Formed in, and currently based in the suburb of Fryerbank. We have no one safe house and seeing as the suburb is controlled by three groups; we don’t want to get in trouble by nicking one either. Waking the Dead is nomadic by nature anyway (Meaning: It’s easier to run away when the big horde comes for your brains.)


Waking the Dead is not picky and will generally accept any survivor characters, an interest in role-playing is also welcomed. There are a few rules however, that new recruits should be aware of…

We're not super ambitious players, with aspirations of greatness in Malton. We don't expect to be able to stand up to the 'zeds when they come knocking, we just want to enjoy ourselves and the game. So if that doesn't appeal to you, chances are you won't like it here.


  • Try to refrain from using leet speak, unnecessary caps, and excessive swearing.
  • Respect your fellow players!
  • If playing a survivor, respect the rules of the Suburb you’re in, barricade policies, sacred ground, ect…
  • We'd prefer it if you didn't blast holes in other survivors (Unless they really had it coming), we're not a PK'ing group.
  • Most importantly, remember this is just a game, so try and have fun.
  • No non-descript survivors, it doesn't take long to think up a brief character description! Be creative.

Radios and Revives

We don’t have our own personal frequency (We might bother if/when we get bigger). Just use common sense when using somebody else’s radio, switch it back to the previous frequency after you broadcast, ect…

  • For a list of Malton’s radio frequencies look here.

We encourage our members to abide by the Sacred Ground Policy, and to use the DEM Revivification Request tool if you’re unable to find a member in your area to help you.


RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward
This User Pays It Forward.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Waking the Dead will not be engaging in any big ‘Ops or Missions’ like some pro-survivor groups. In fact given that the entire idea of the group is that you can do what you want, it’s really just a place to talk with like-minded individuals. Waking the Deads policies are whatever you want them to be in all honesty, cooperate with other local groups, just lay low, or run around setting fire to things with flare guns.


Don’t go overboard, especially in areas with well known and supported groups. Build reputation through action, not by painting everything you see. One or two adverts in an area we’re operating in is good.

We don’t want to start a turf war or something!


Members are encouraged to lend a helping hand in the community; revive, heal people, barricade buildings (make sure you understand the suburbs ‘cading plans, pay attention to graffiti), help fight off ‘zeds. If in the process we make allies then that’s great, help is always appreciated. We would prefer to stay out of any group politics, we’re happy to help out around the suburb not get into a fight with some PK’er group.


Player Killing:

While we don’t PK ourselves (without reason), we know it’s a popular and perfectly valid playing style. If somebody kills you, do what you want, report them to the Rogues Gallery, hunt them down and get your revenge. Whatever pleases you, live and let live.

Future Goals

  • Get a forum, message board thing.
  • Find us a nice and cosy safe-house.
  • Get back to body-snatching! (Important)