Wasteland 23,97

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ZEMA Revive Point
This location is actully a Revive Point owned by the Zombie Emergency Management Agency

Spicer Hills [23, 97]

St. Swithun's Church Wheelan Grove Haydon Auto Repair
a carpark wasteland Dudman Row Fire Station
a warehouse Sealy Road a factory

Basic Info:

  • A wasteland is an empty city block, not even containing streets.
  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.

Wasteland 23,97


This block is declared as a Revive Point

This wasteland is a revive point owned by the Zombie Emergency Management Agency. Created in November 7, 2008, this revive point gives almost any revive to almost any zombie. The Revive point is created in our efforts to stop the zombies from invading Malton.


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