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Zombie Slayer Guild

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Zombie slayer guild
The zsg,defending Malton since 2007.
Abbreviation: Zsg
Group Numbers: 2
Leadership: Zinker,Austeko3rs
Goals: Protect west grayside and turn all red suburbs green.
Recruitment Policy: Any one can join.
Contact: zinktherockstar@gmail.com

Welcome to the mighty zsg! This group is deticated to liberating all of the suburbs of malton and making every new zombie run in fear! and this my friend is where you can sign up to the ever growing ranks of the zombieslayerguild! Simply post your ud username, timestamp under the line, and head over to the younghusband arms in west grayside. (located convienetly next to the mall and stadium.) P.s. make sure you vist the homepage located here.

start sign-up here!