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The RRF Malton Herald & Sun DoHS The Gore Corps Auxunit10 AU10 Forum GMT Breakfast Club

Tarman2007 is a zambah currently serving in the Ridleybank Resistance Front, with the premiere strike team AU10. He has also taken up the burden of the unit's clerical duties and information services. He began unlife as a feral in Darvall Heights, roaming the suburb, bashing aimlessly at towering barricades, occasionally tasting live flesh, but usually waking up with a head full of bullets. The snow fell, covering the city. Tarman's existence dragged on slowly. His determination grew, if not his power. Somewhere in the city, there was a home for him, a family. Somewhere there was Ridleybank. Tarman trudged through the winter nights. The promised land welcomed him with open arms, and he has been thankful.


June 6

Hello, page! Geez, I never come here...

Let's see, I'm in the Agitprop Ministry, and I'm editor of the Malton Herald & Sun. Weird, yet still fun. Lots of new babahz on the team, yet we've lost some folks too. We're still in the Siege at Nichols, fighting for a month now. RAAR! Morale is still high. We'll eat the rest of these harmanz soon enough. Tarman2007 14:09, 6 June 2008 (BST)

April 2

Long time no write in own page. AU10 has managed to weather the Dead storm as we roamed across southern Greater Ridleybank. Check the AU10 wiki for combat details of the unit. The earth is now time-synched again, so everyone can get to the strike at the same time. :) March was a grind until the end; lots of small-potatoes targets, and then in the last two days, sixteen-twenty kills! Our babahz are growing like bad weeds! The team is powered back up to nearly full operational strength. Barhah!Tarman2007 03:43, 2 April 2008 (BST)

March 16

Papa Murray was in IRC! Coolio! He never gets to come out and chat in real-time with us. He's at almost every raid, including today. There were only four of us today - Papa MJ, CIL, Zemi and I. But we still managed to empty Axtence NT and ruin it. Harharhar, harmanz! Nah mahr mrh-barn ahn mrh-bananaz! There are plenty of shots on the wiki (except from today, no good ones) :( . With TA in the combat zone with us, we're hitting the same targets and helping each other out, and I managed to get some IWitnesses of AU10 for the site. I like to use others photos as well as mine, to give a more reporter-like vibe to the pieces.Tarman2007 15:58, 16 March 2008 (UTC)

March 13

The roster list is official. Yay! Many new babahz have come to AU10 in the last little while. Our ranks are swelling.  :) Also, CIL is now full Commander of the team. Congrats! IRC and even the forums are busy right now. Lots of cross-wing communication keeping the horde coherent. More updates to the unit wiki in light of recent developments. Added Uncle Don's list amendments and some new inspirational copy since CIL's official ranking. My wiki-fu is growing. My hair will turn yellow and stand on end soon. Tarman2007 21:04, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

March 11

Well if anyone is reading this, I'll be butchering this page often. One day it may look like something. Also, there is rough copy stuff of the AU10 wiki on the talk page.

Silent Sister dropped by the forums. The original leader of AU10. Holy crap. That was amazing. Not every day a legend stops by to say hi. Just as I was worried about the wiki changes, too. Serendipitous... Tarman2007 06:34, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

March 07

Again with the slow update! The RRF is a happenin' place! Keeps me running. Tarman has now somehow teamed up with GIJeff to revamp the AU10 wiki. Good luck to us! In other news, IRC is the place to be. Get in there you mute zambahz! Make some Graaghz! All the cool zambahz are there, so make an appearance. Tarman2007 21:00, 7 March 2008 (UTC)

February 20

Well, Tarman's life has gotten so complicated that I can't write about it in the third person anymore. He's part of the RRF, serving with AU10, and he couldn't be happier. I was on a walkabout in early February with the DoHS as we tore through the burbs southeast of Ridleybank with Excursion III. I stumbled into an AU10 raid one day and joined in with the fun. Papa Suskind was in on that raid, and asked if I was interested in joining. That was the coolest thing that happened to me in this game. The Papa is a legend of the RRF; I read about him on the wiki long before I joined the RRF; even before I had a zambah, actually. I felt special enough to wear a helmet!

I'm having a blast with the RRF. We've ridden the Excursion rampant across the whole eastern half of the city. I'd never been near a mall before, and then three in almost as many weeks! The danger map is awash with blood. :) AU10 alone is deadly - I've never seen such devastation wreaked in such a short time before. We shredded our last targets so badly that we rolled over all three plus opportunity targets in one raid. Rahn harmanz, rahn! Graaagh! I'm glad I can add my talons to a team like that.

Shout out section: I'd like to extend a warm thank you to all of the Ridleys who have made my undeath such a fun experience. Bobs Aturd, for welcoming me into the fold; Auntie SomewhatDeceased, for leading me in the DoHS and out of my babah-hood; Papa Suskind, for giving me the shot at AU10; Cthulhu In Lingerie, for leading the charge into battle; and Zoey Zarg of Team America (Fuck, Yeah!), for breaking me in on the IRC (Go, Jelly!). Of course all the other Ridleys I've met ingame and in-channel are on this list too. Salute yourselves. You're a class act; a nicer bunch of corpses and murderers I have never met. :)


Tarman2007 13:58, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Old News in Story Form

'Are you sure that's the one?'

'Look at the profile; it's VE319. It's one of the oldest ones, before... well, you know...Anyways, it's got nanoscopic transmitters, which used to give us a pretty accurate appraisal of its actions and behaviours. Too bad most of the good receiving gear went offline when we lost Generator SB-5. Now all we get are random broadcasts from it on the old Jensen 70 Series junk like this console.'

'Why's it look like there's puddles of oil all round?'

"That's not oil, jackass. VE319 was sealed away for a long time; probably rotted to slime all canned up like that. I wouldn't want to see him in person. The regular variety are nasty enough in their own right.'

January 30

'I ain't never seen nuthin' like that before...'

'Yeah, man. That nurse chick couldn't a been any more than ten minutes dead, and cussin' out the zeds in their own speech. Freaky. But that hospital is done. He's got a thing for hospitals, eh? Wonder where he'll end up next. He looks like he got Target 26 on his list. That guy that cut his eyesocket with the axe. How's he remembering them, I don't know. I don't wanna know. I'm glad I've never seen him.'

January 29

'Well, our 319 has been a busy boy, 'asn't he?'

'No kidding. He's been chewin' up people like popcorn. He's moved down to the Roftwood area. Probably on a rampage right now. It seems he gets worse the more living people he's around. That might change soon for him, though - all the traffic from Roftwood recently is either panic or static. It sounds like the fleeing stage to me. I'd have long been gone myself, anyways.'

January 28

'They got 'im then, eh? Them Ridleybank types?'

'Yep. Right inside Blackmore as well, during that last rush. Man, we got some nasty sounds on the radio scans! But this 319 joining up with the hive mind - we got no idea what could happen. It could do anything. I can't access enough data to get all of 319's abilities, but the ones we know about... let's just say that his exposure to smarter brethren isn't going to slow his development.'

'What're we gonna do now, then?'

"WE are going to do nothing but sit on our asses and monitor scans and chatter. That team they sent to Blackmore will probably be eating each other at this point, the techs are pissed they didn't get their data, and the bosses are looking for a lieutenant to make an example of. Like we need to use anymore personnel as guinea pigs. Go look around topside - I think it works.'

January 26

'He's where? Ah, crap, that ain't good, is it, mate?'

'Of course it's not good! That's Blackmore; we could get invaluable data from any remaining autoscans if those street-dwellers can hold it long enough for us to get a team up there. But if 319 falls in with that hive mind in Ridleybank, we'll never get him back! He'll be out there eatin' up everybody now, I suppose. Man, I don't care if we're stuck out in this listening post assignment. These tunnels are nothing compared to out on the streets. Next to that, this is like what Fort Creedy used to be.'

January 25

'He's been in them there hospitals in Darvall Heights a powerful long time, eh? Wat's he doin' there so long?'

'Wasting his time, I suppose. That place has been repaired and wrecked at least 5 times today, from what news we've gathered here. 319 never was much for giving up easily. He seemed to enjoy making the researchers' lives difficult before he got the chance to eat them. That's why they sealed him away. Fat lot of good that did them... And before you tell me I'm being recorded by the boss, remember that he won't kill us because then they'll have to replace us with someone higher up the food chain. Enjoy your insignificance; it has some benefits.'


RRFhead.JPG Ridleybank Resistance Front
This user is part of the glorious Ridleybank Resistance Front and has defended the homeland, conquered its enemies, and spread Barhah.
Brainpic.png BRAIN FOOD
I love brains for breakfast!
Ralphchocolate.gif SPELING LOL
Yuo fayl Englesh? That's unpossablle!