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Hendrik Casimir
Joined: 11-Dec-2005
Character class: Cop
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Malton Police Department
Character stats: They kind of blur together
Journal: Survivor Diaries journal for Hendrik Casimir

Personnel dossier

Malton Police Department Support Division, Human Resources Section


Name (last, first): CASIMIR, Hendrik
DoB: March 17th, 1973
Height: 6'1" (1.86m)
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Occupation: teacher (history), reserve police officer
Home address: 4515 Neyens Avenue, Dunell Hills, Malton
Work address: Caff Road Middle School, Owsleybank, Malton
Marital status: married, one child
Recalled to active duty: December 11th, 2005

Decorations and Awards
Physical fitness: class 1
Fitness Ribbon.jpg
Weapons certification handgun: class 1, current
Weapons certification shotgun: class 1, current
The Weaponmaster Ribbon.jpg
Mozambique Drill specialist
Sniper's Ribbon.jpg
Weapons certification baton: class 1, current
Weapons certification knife: class 1, current
Hand to Hand Specialist Ribbon.jpg

First Aid qualified
Field Medicine Merit.jpg
Paramedic qualified
Resident Surgeon Ribbon.jpg
Radiotelephony qualified
Radio Operator Ribbon 3D.jpg
Procurement and Supply qualified
Acquisition Ribbon.jpg
Community Relations qualified
Community Support Ribbon.jpg
Building Infiltration qualified
Reconnissance Specialist Merit.jpg
Basic Civil Engineering qualified
Engineer's Ribbon.jpg
NecroTech Equipment Operation qualified
Scientific Achievement Ribbon.jpg

Mpd.png Malton Police Department
Hendrik Casimir is a member of the MPD.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
Earth.jpg Where is Malton?
Hendrik Casimir thinks that Malton is in the eastern US.

Alter egos

Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Lev Tukhachevsky
Joined: 15-Dec-2005
Character class: Corpse
Favorite equipment: Flak Jacket
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Feral
Character stats: Hrnr?
Journal: None for Lev Tukhachevsky

Woody Tobias Jr.
Joined: 17-Jan-2006
Character class: NecroTech Lab Assistant
Favorite equipment: DNA Extractor
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: NecroTech
Character stats: Who's counting?
Journal: Survivor Diaries journal for Woody Tobias Jr.

For those of you not in the know, "Woody Tobias Jr." was originally a character played by Eugene Levy on SCTV. Woody was himself an actor who played Dr. Tongue's (John Candy) assistant Bruno in such classic films as Dr. Tongue's 3-D House of Stewardesses, Dr. Tongue's 3-D House of Meat and Francis Ford Coppola's 3-D Stake From The Heart. I thought that, for a cheap laugh, I'd name a NecroTech lab assistant after him.

Earth.jpg Where is Malton?
Woody Tobias Jr. thinks that Malton is in eastern Canada.

Against PKers: a Manifesto

Let me open by stating that I despise PKers.

To clarify, by "PKer" I don't mean every survivor character who has ever killed another survivor character, or will do so in the future. There are situations in which PKing (in the widest sense) can add fun, color, and value to the Urban Dead setting. These typically occur when both parties to a PKing (the killer and the victim) have come to a mutual agreement beforehand that the one will hunt the other, or that they will hunt each other. The result is a battle of wits, as each party tries to outwit the other, and such a battle may indeed be challenging and enriching for both parties involved. Such an agreement may be explicit from the outset (e.g. two groups of players deciding to stage their own "Montagues vs. Capulets" conflict in Malton), or may grow implicitly (e.g. in the way that many PKers who have racked up high bounties in the Rogues' Gallery engage in an active game of cat-and-mouse with self-declared Bounty Hunters, including the Malton Marshals).

The key phrase here, however, is "mutual agreement." It can be safely assumed that every player who runs a survivor character understands implicitly that the objective of every zombie in Malton is to kill his character (whether the players of the zombie characters choose to pursue this objective, as opposed to seeking a revive and continuing to play as a survivor, is another matter), and his own objective is to prevent them from succeeding. In addition, the survivor player may choose to make it his objective to counter the zombie takeover of Malton by clearing and repairing ruined buildings, administering revives, etc. while the zombie characters work to prevent or undo such efforts. The bottom line is that every UD player acknowledges that zombies and survivors are mutual enemies in the game, and this is an inherent part of the game.

Given the fundamental dynamic of Urban Dead, in which every character has an exceedingly limited amount of actions he can perform in a day and has to spend the rest of the recharging, the basic objective for a survivor is to avoid being killed by zombies while "asleep," whereas the objective challenge for the zombies to is to kill as many survivors and wreck as many buildings as possible with the few APs they have available. In pursuing these objectives, zombies have to deal with the challenge that survivors can throw up barricades, while survivors have to deal with the fact that zombies are, for all practical purposes, unkillable.

Under-constgruction-transparent.png User:Hendrik Casimir is under construction.
It is either not completed or is about a subject or event which has yet to finish.
Feel free to check back later for an update in information.