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Maris Viridis

This group is currently inactive, but plans to comeback in late August 2007

Maris Viridis
MV Logo.png
Abbrev: MV
Leader: SgtBop
Members: Four?
Goals: Bring Disorder Back to the Apocalypse
Maris Viridis has killed 79 people.
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News Archive 28 June 2007

Maris Viridis leader, SgtBop has begun implementations of a new system to add some hierarchy to the group.

Auoris and Kuroten have been promoted to the "Hitman's Council", a council of the experienced and second only to the leader, SgtBop. More information on the new system can be found on the Hierarchy page. Currently Under Construction.


Maris Viridis is looking for a new member to fill Elra's place, whether or not she was technically a part in the PKing fun. And, they are still looking for a few good men, or women, to boost their number up to ten or eleven to be qualified as an "actual group" on the Stats page. Applicants can apply: Here or Here. Bring disorder back to the apocalypse!

23 June 2007

SgtBop made an announcement today.
"I have received word from Elra, a member who just got dragged into this when we formed into the PK group you all know and love, that she is leaving Maris Viridis. This is perfectly understandable, as she never killed anything in her history with the group (including when we fought zombies). 'Murder is just not [her] thing'. We at Maris Viridis wish her luck, rumors say that she's going west -- like she could go east... -- and will probably join some sort of medic group."

22 June 2007

It has been confirmed that SgtBop has indeed returned to the Dulston area, and, for the time being, is assisting enemy Metal Fox in hunting down St. Anastasius' Royal Guard clones. SgtBop had this to say on the subject of clones, while hanging out in Pescodside with LoganAsh of Metal Fox:
"I dunno why science is still even worried about actually cloning people. Maybe its because no news is allowed in here from the outside, so companies that can get information in will test whatever they want. Personally, I'd say just make some sort of serum that could make zombies into servants or something. I mean, I don't have anything against zombies, but clones are a little less reliable. I mean, the probability of a clone's mother even concieving it are low, and then the survival rate for the clones is even lower before they are even born. And then, if they do grow up, you gotta get them through all those annoying childhood years, then the rebellious teenage years... With zombies, you get them to answer to simple commands, such as 'Hey you, yeah you, the zombie. Go make me a sammich.' And the only sass back you'd get would be GRAH (or perhaps BRAH BRAH BRAH BRAH ZAHMBAH AA) and you wouldn't even need to say 'I'll give you to the count of three' because you could, you know, just shoot 'em or hit 'em with a fire axe, or summthin'. That's just my opinion."

...uh... What does that have to do with the current war exactly, SgtBop?

"I haven't had a good sammich in years, I'm just gettin' kinda hungry."

There you go... straight from the horse's mouth... SgtBop is hungry. I don't know exactly how that made the news, but whatever, it has been quite a while since there was an update here.

17 June 2007

We received this official press statement from SgtBop:
"Maris Viridis' involvemnt in what became known as "the Farbrother War" is unfounded. Maris Viridis leadership had nothing to do with the act, and strictly prohibits unfair actions like zerging. It is believed that a newer member, TexasxdooM, is responsible for claiming Maris Viridis' encouragement.
If, in fact, Maris Viridis leadership were in the area, we would have gladly helped to DESTROY the zergers. Some tactics are uncalled for, and players and player killers should be able to come together in times such as that.
For members, TexasxdooM is no longer considered an ally. They have been caught using malignantly intended spies, supporting zerging, and spamming a cbox on an enemies site. These tactics are uncalled for, even murders have standards. Commmunication shall be cut with them, and he is to be killed on site."

In other news, rumors seem to be circulating that SgtBop has returned to Dulston. It is unknown whether or not these rumors have some base in truth.

9 June 2007

Acting Commander of Maris Viridis remnant forces, the L337master, made his first announcement yesterday.
This is the L337master, acting commander of all Maris Viridis remnant forces... Here are orders for all remaining Maris Virdis members:
  • It is recommended to avoid Treweeke Mall as much as possible --Metal Fox is patrolling the mall actively and will shoot MV members on sight, or soon after.
  • If you die, sit around at Duport Avenue--you will be revived, it's guaranteed.
  • Either I or SgtBop will designate a temporary hidey-hole sometime in the near future via our forum on the Hub.
  • All Maris Viridis members are called on to follow these orders. SgtBop has put the group into my capable hands, and I will not see it destroyed by the efforts (however efficient) of the Dulston Alliance and their cronies, Metal Fox.
  • EDIT: Avoid contact with enemies and wait for further orders. It's not worth sitting around and getting our asses handed to us by a plethora of groups that want us dead.
That is all. L337master out...

Big words from a temporary leader. Maris Viridis members are expected to follow the commands layed out by this trusted member of Maris Viridis.

When asked as to why he chose L337master as the temporary commander, SgtBop answered:

L337master is one of the most trusted members of my squad. While he was not invited to the party, he is the easiest to contact. I also feel that he has a certain knack for leadership and will serve well in my absence. If this goes well, a permanent promotion is always available... probably the direct coordination of troops. However, I really do wish he'd use something more secure than an open frequency (read: wiki discussion page) to communicate with members.
slightly tweaked by SgtBop for (mostly) formatting purposes

8 June 2007

SgtBop here, this time I'm not dealing with that NPOV mumbo jumbo. I just have a few things to say. First, the Friends of Featherstone library are lying, their attack on the Perryn Building took place AFTER the Red Rum attack. You see, it went...
  1. Be an actual Survivor friendly group
  2. Pretend to be a bounty hunter group, but really just a PK group in the Perryn building
  3. Get attacked by Red Rum because they thought we were actual bounty hunters.
  4. Be the murderers you know and love today
  5. Sometime after, I was sleeping in the Perryn Building, out of habit, and was killed by a FoFF member... that's apparently the slaughter they are talking about.

In other news, we were not "chased" out of New Baghdad. We simply received an invitation to a party taking place quite far away from our home. And, being the honest murderers with an intention for having fun, our higher ranking members left to go PART-EE. We will return, and with murdering CONTESTS to keep up the fun. So be on the look out.

P.S. Most of the leaders have achieved where we were headed. Party procedure are in progress, perhaps, if you REALLY want to know where we are, news will pop up in our current location. If not, oh well, we'll return to New Baghdaad soon enough.

7 June 2007

With Maris Viridis leadership still missing from the Dulston area, one can't help but wonder what they are up to. After l337master's execution, our sources salvaged his cell phone, and on it was a message...
"L337master, this is your commander. While we are gone, I'm appointing you leader of the troops still in the area. You are free to command them as you wish. Do NOT disappoint me. I'm sending you a list of some of the members that joined up."

5 June 2007

According to Dulston Alliance news, Officer Mo has decided to join the enemy. SgtBop had this to say:
"Apparently, I've enforced playground rules for something unrelated and I didn't know this was going on. However, I declare no givsies-backsies as Metal Fox recieves its new - and quite useless - member. He will not be missed."

When asked about the action they will take on the traitor, SgtBop said nothing more than:

"He will be treated as one of the enemies. He will be killed if he's found, but mostly left alone. And besides, we're not around to kill him, now are we?"

4 June 2007

Apparently, even after leaving Dulston, SgtBop still takes time to check the news. We obtained his message:
"Metal Fox has apparently decided they hate us as well... Too bad we're not around to kick them around a bit. Perhaps when we get back. And, honestly, they expect us to remain in the Perryn Building. They CLEARLY underestimate my strategic capabilities..."

3 June 2007

Maris Viridis leader, SgtBop, seems to have apparently disappeared from Dulston. Sources do not have any idea where he is headed, but the rest of Maris Viridis seems to be clearing out of Dulston as well. We couldn't get a hold of their leader, but, when we called his cell phone, we got his answering machine:
I'm sorry, but the entirety of Maris Viridis is unavailable at the moment. If you'd like, you may leave a message on our Talk page, we could get back to you as soon as we're done partying. BEEP

2 June 2007

Maris Viridis leader, SgtBop, has just been informed that now the BAR have their guns out for Maris Viridis members. When asked for an opinion, SgtBop replied:
"Although I don't necessarily see what we did to anger this new enemy, I stick by my previous statement that we shall continue to cause havoc in Dulston. This, being our objective all along, shouldn't prove to be too difficult."

On another scene, residents of Dulston revive points claim to see signs directing revivers to Not Revive Members of Maris Viridis, SgtBop had this to say:

"What? Another little interview question? Bah..."

When he actually got around to answering the question, he said:

"Our strategy seems to be working. Somehow, our little group seems to be getting a lot of attention lately"

With the recent trend to start noticing people's clothing, SgtBop has also issued a request for members to wear something dark green. Preferably a jacket.

30 May 2007

Maris Viridis leader, SgtBop has just overhauled the groups wiki page entirely! In addition to looking a whole lot better, it now contains a Anti-Hit List in attempt to keep members from killing the wrong people... more.

In other news, the Dulston Alliance, along with their "lawyer" have yet to even reply to Maris Viridis' "acceptance" of their war. When asked, SgtBop had this to say:

"I feel that their general unwillingness to respond to our 'acceptance' shows that they are afraid we will become another DORIS. Whatever DORIS did, it really p!$$3d them off, and that's basically our objective, right? Sources tell me that we should engage in conversations with this group, and see if they have any pointers"

29 May 2007

Maris Viridis has already answered the Dulston Alliance call for war. They will continue to stay in the Dulston area and continue to kill people indiscriminately.

23 May 2007

It has come to the groups attention that the majority of their members are located on the Dulston Alliance's Blacklist. Ah well. So be it. Also, it should be known that we are all currently active, not unknown. Please update that on your records.

9 May 2007

Maris Viridis reveals its true colors.

2 May 2007

After hearing rumors of a planned attack on the entire suburb, Dulston survivors are currently readying to flee if need be. However, SgtBop has ordered Maris Viridis members to defend their HQ to the last man.

1 May 2007

Maris Viridis acquired the radio frequency 28.96 today and members were asked to keep a radio tuned to it. The station will be used for a little entertainment and to broadcast information, in game, to the group while they are away.