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St. Odile's Church
--VVV RPMBG 01:37, 25 May 2024 (UTC)
St Odile's Church

Pescodside [94,10]

Pegrum Place Police Dept
Muirhead Avenue Railway Station
Caffin Library
Sirl Plaza St Odile's Church a factory
the Waish Building Spitter Walk Railway Station Sadley Way Fire Station

Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.

St. Odile's Church (Pescodside).jpg


St. Odile's Church, often called "Saint Old's", is a small Catholic church located in the suburb of Pescodside along the northern border with Dulston. The church was built in 1924 and is considered a "heritage church" among the residents of Pescodside, as it is one of the oldest churches in the suburb, if not all east Malton. While this church has seen its fair share of fire and brimstone preachers most never last long as zombies often eat the loudest humans they find first.

Noted NecroTech scientist, Caleb Usher, stayed at St. Odile's Church for a brief period while locked out of the Waish Building in late December 2005. Survivors noted him standing in the doorway shaking his fist at the adjacent NecroTech facility and yelling that they let him back in. Caleb's departure from the church was attributed to him regaining access to the Waish Building.

A recently printed flyer found pinned to the church's bulletin board.

At one time another frequent survivor at the church was a man by the name of Shepherd Taylor. Back in March of 2006 he was noted to have spent many days at St. Odile's, making minor repairs and tidying up. The good Shepherd administered first-aid to any needy survivor, regardless of denomination, and having been trained by local NecroTech employees in the use of their equipment he, as he put it, applied "a dose of Lazarus" to any zombies who wandered into the area. When not out on supply runs, he was often cleaning up the church. Of course these days have since passed and no one has seen Shepherd in a long while.


The church is only interested in providing shelter to the injured and lower level survivors. All the clergy ask for in return is that survivors assist with the barricades should they ever drop below Very Strongly. While the clergy frown upon over-barricading they do see the need to protect themselves and their flock when under zombie siege, but ask that barricades be lowered after the danger has passed in keeping with an open door policy.

Psalm of the Survivor

PSALM 23:2

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul, he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies,
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


The church, not being a resource building or home to any known group, does not have any affiliates. Even so, survivors staying there can seek assistance from Pegrum Place PD (93,9) should a zombie mob ever attack the building.

Barricade Policy

Barricades are to be kept at Very Strongly (VS+2) during times when zombie numbers are fewer than 5 within a 2x2 block grid. Should zombie numbers rise above this or reports of nearby resources buildings being overrun be confirmed, then barricades will be raised to Extremely Heavily.

At this time Free Running is essential to entering and departing the church. May God have mercy on those poor souls left trapped outside during such a time of strife.

Current Events

February 24th, 2010 - Rumors say, some people saw a ghost of crocodile on the top of building.

September 24th, 2008 - The Electric Light Torchestra recon reported that St. Odile's Church, while ruined, was empty of zombies. Survivors could, in a pinch, reclaim and rebarricade the building.

September 14th, 2008 - The Electric Light Torchestra recon reported that the church was in ruins. At this time there were 1 zombie inside and 4 zombies outside.

June 15th, 2008 - St. Odile's Church has been very strongly barricaded. A portable generator has been set up. There are 10 survivors. No zeds around. --Standzs 19:28, 15 June 2008 (BST)

March 30th, 2006 - Due to the acts of a bored murderer, Shepherd Taylor has departed the city. It appears that the survivor StinkeyBrains made it part of his daily routine to kill the good Shepherd. Even with constant revivals at the local NecroTech building he could only do so much before deciding that his efforts were being wasted.

March 10th, 2006 - Caleb Usher confirms that he performs daily "medical visits" on his way to the Waish Building each morning. His intentions are clearly to heal any and all injured survivors found inside the church with the more than ample supply of first-aid kits at his disposal. While Caleb does not encourage survivors to stay at the church for long he does deem it a safe location for low-level survivors seeking shelter off the streets, as its security has been vigilantly maintained by veteran survivor, Shepherd Taylor.